chapter 34 my fault

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Yeonjun ran
He ran so fast not taking time to chat his breath
"Almost there"
About 10 minutes later he finally got to the hotel he got on the elevator finally catching his breath but as soon as he got to the floor he needed he ran down the hall even though he wasnt supposed to run

He got to the door

"Im here" he took a deep breath before knocking

"Its Yeonjun...can i come in"
There was a couple of seconds of silence
Before answering
"Come in"
Yeonjun didn't waste time walking in to see something he didn't think he would see
Bottles of alcohol everywhere while Y/N was looking outside of the window with a bottle in her hand

"Y-Y-N...." Yeonjun started moving closer slowly

Y/N turned around her eyes all red and puffy forcing herself to smile
"Hi Yeonjun is something the matter?"
Yeonjun didn't say anything
Y/N just looked at him waiting for him to say something
"Is something on my face?" Y/N said

"Give me the bottle" Yeonjun said simply
Y/N did what she was told handing it over

Yeonjun moved closer cupping Y/N face with his hands
" sorry" Yeonjun whispered

Y/N just looked at him smiling slowly
"What for though? Did i you do something behind my back" Y/N said trying to sound happy

Yeonjun didnt know what to say still feeling upset he never thought  he would never see her like this

"This is all my fault"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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