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I died like a 100 times because of all the surprise songs and ttpd variants. And I decided to also pre order the last variant cause WHY NOT, and she really scared me with that mashup of I dont wanna live forever + dress, THE LIGHTS WERE GREEN AND SHE ANNOUNCED NOTHING

You were sat on the sofa of your apartment, Gracie and Luke had thrown a party for you. While you were away they had decorated your home and invited a lot of your friends and acquaintances. You were having a lot to fun, you were drinking and over all you felt great. 

The attention in the room shifted when someone supposedly walked in, you couldn't see who it was but you decided to just ignore it. Gracie and Luke sat next to you with a few other friends and you were just chatting about how your trip to Paris was.

"I have to say you've been less moody since you returned" Gracie said with a grin on her face, you knew what she was getting at

"Never been moody, and besides it's my birthday!!" You said trying to make excuses but you felt your face warm up a little

"Hmmm you sure" Luke said, of course trying to be funny "Haven't slept with anyone in Paris? I heard that the France are very charming" He said and laughed at himself 

"Luke I would NEVER" you said, heavy on never. You don't have to tell them that you had slept with someone. Actually not just someone The Taylor Swift, they were already going crazy that she had invited you to tag along.

Gracie got up to get you two another drink, you were stirring the ice cubes in your empty glass with a straw when someone suddenly plopped down next to you and made you look up.

"Hi!" Taylor said excitingly as you looked at her surprised 

Everyone in the room was looking at you two but you hadn't noticed that yet, "Oh my god you actually showed up" You said still shocked as Taylor pulled you in for a hug

"I said ill be here, so i'm here" She said with a big smile on her face

"Yeah but i didn't think you'd actually come" You said 

"I keep my words-" she said till someone interrupted her 

Gracie had come back with the drinks and when she spotted Taylor... "OH MY FUCKING GOD AGAIN?" She screamed almost dropping the drinks she held in her hands, she put down the drinks on the side table "Y/N you keep on surprising me god, you got her to come to your birthday part??" She said "She didn't kidnapp you? did she?" Gracie asked looking at Taylor and then to you

"Mm pretty sure I showed up here myself" Taylor said and laughed

It was just midnight and people were starting to leave, You, Taylor and your friends were playing some drinking game that you didn't really understand so each time you just took a shot. 

After a little while a lot of your friends went to say goodbye and left, Luke, Gracie and Taylor helped clean up your apartment a little before they decided to leave too. Well Taylor was supposed to leave but she didn't, she followed you while you stumbled over to your bedroom. 

You let yourself fall onto your bed, still giggling about something that Luke had said an hour ago.  Taylor went to sit down on the edge of your bed next to you "is it okay if I stay over?" She asked

"Mhmmmmm..." You mumbled, the alcohol was really getting to you 

"You okay?" She asked a concerned look on her face 

"Never been better" You said and slowly sat up again, you scooted over so you were right next to Taylor and leaned your head on her shoulder 

"You're a really sweet girl Y/N" Taylor said as she looked at you adoringly 

"What? You wanna have sex again?" You said and laughed 

"No that's not what I meant" she said and giggled "Maybe another time though" 

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