Episode 1

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*At Alf's house*

Phil's Pov:" Alf and I have been together since 8 years, I really love my him and he loves me back too, but, I want our relationship to change, I been thinking about it since 5 years, I want to have a third lover for me and my bf Alf, when it was night time, me and Alf are getting ready to go to sleep, and this is the time I wanted to tell him about our relationship changed and to have a third lover a boy or a girl

Alf:" *Gets on the bed*

Phil:" *Gets on the bed also with Alf and covers the blankets on them*

Alf:" Ready to go to sleep babe?

Phil:" Actually Alf, before to go to sleep, I need to tell you something

Alf:" Hm? What is it Phillip?

Phil:" I....I....I wanted our relationship to change

Alf:" *Scared a little bit* Ch-change

Phil:" Yeah change, don't worry I'll still love you and I know you love me to be at the bottom when we are doing a sex and I also love to be at the bottom too, but, I want to have a third lover, it doesn't matter if it is a boy or a girl, I really want to have a third lover baby

*There was a silent moment between Alf and Phil, then Alf takes a deep breath and not being scared*

Alf:" Okay Phil if that's what you wanted

Phil:" Really!? Oh thank you so much Alf!!!! *Kisses Alf's cheek*

Alf:" You're welcome babe, now let's get some rest we have worked tomorrow

Phil:" Okay baby

Alf and Phil:" *Sleeps* 😴😪

*The next day*

*Alf wakes up and yawns and sees Phil still sleeping, he kiss Phil's forehead and gets out of bed and gets dressed for work today at the Military Base, he went downstairs and makes some breakfast for him and his bf, then when he finished making breakfast, he noticed Phil comes downstairs and was already dressed wearing a smart outfit for his work*

Phil:" Good morning Alfy

Alf:" Good morning Philip you looked great um

Phil:" Why thank you and something wrong?

Alf:" It's just......you looked different then I thought you were, usually you wear a softie clothes......I really do love to see you wearing a softie clothes Phil

Phil:" Ik you love seeing me wearing a softie clothes Alf, but how are we supposed to get a third lover if I'm wearing a softie clothes

Alf:" *Sights* Yeah you're right cutie

Phil:" Come on let's eat breakfast and we do not want to be late for work

Alf:" K

*After eating breakfast*

*Alf and Phil were already at the Military Base and already at there office doing some paperwork, then they heard a knock coming from there door*

Alf:" Come on!

*The person opens the door and walks inside of Alf's and Phil's office and it was Anne holding some a box*

Anne:" Hey Alf hey Phil

Alf:" Hey Anne is that the box we ordered?

Anne:" That's right so, where do you want me to put it?

Alf:" Right over there *points at the corner*

Anne:" Alrighty then *walks up to the corner and puts the box down and walks back to Alf and Phil*

Alf:" So how are you doing so far and with the others?

Anne:" I'm doing good and same goes to the others

*While Alf and Anne are talking to each other, Phil was blushing and stared at Anne and his nose starts to nosebleeds*

Anne:" Well I'll leave you two back to work then bye *walks out and close the door*

Alf:" Bye Anne

*Alf notice Phil that he was blushing and his nose still nosebleeds and his eyes were heart loved and his tongue comes out of his mouth, Alf smirk*

Alf:" *Smirk* Oh....so this is our third lover we have already found huh babe

Phil:" *Smirk* Oh yes baby she's perfect for ours

Alf:" *Smirk* And don't worry Philip she will be ours one day

Phil:" *Smirk* I agree Alfy

To be continued
Hope you enjoyed 💚x💗x💛

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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