Chapter 14 Book 2 part 1

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>Lyon's Pov<

We kept walking for hours and this bastard keeps following us

"Lyon~sama are you alright?"Juvia asked worriedly

"Uh....y-yeah"I replied bluntly

We keep on walking
The Sakura festival is great
There are lots of parades and magic fireworks and there are lots of people in here

I stop in the small shop and buy a smoothie and hotdogs,I gave it to Juvia and we resume in walking

Its 11:00 the final fireworks and the Sakura magic will be on 12:00
It will glow and sparks you can also wish

>Gray's Pov<

wow....just sweet they are....I swear to myself I'll kill the bastard...

Juvia.........Please.....remember me....

I sat in thw bench and stare at the dark sky...theres no stars that twinks,It looks like my life No Juvia No Hope,but after a couple of minutes I saw a very cute star
It started to twink brightly,I smiled and think her

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