Silent treatment

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You sat on the sofa waiting for your boyfriend of 1 year to come home from the studio. You have been waiting for about 1 1/2 hours now and there was still no sign of him, you decided to go and check your Twitter to see if any of his fans posted on your page, you read through some of them. Something caught your eye which grabbed your attention. It was Niall. "HE WAS WHAT!" You screamed from the top of your voice. You carried on reading it. It read, "has Niall Horan found another girlfriend and ditched (Y/N)?."
"No, no, no, no, no, no," you kept saying to yourself. You had tear tainted cheeks and red puffy eyes. At that exact moment you here someone putting a key into the lock of yours and Niall's apartment door. You quickly pressed the home button on iPad and locked it. He saw that you were upset so he went over to the sofa and gave you the biggest cuddle, but you didn't hug him back.
"What's wrong?" He asked you. You didn't answer. You walked upstairs and locked yourself in your bedroom. "Baby what's wrong?" Niall asked outside the door. You still didn't answer him. He kept asking you what's wrong but you ignored him. 2 hours has passed and you still haven't spoke to him. He was getting worried now and he thought it was about him which it was. About half an hour later you decided to talk to him. You unlocked the door and you saw Niall sat on the leaning against the wall with his head in his knees. You got down to the same level as him and told him why you were upset. He came back with. "I'm so so so so sorry (Y/N) I was drunk and she looked like you and she was there to comfort me because I missed you so much."
"Why didn't you just Skype or FaceTime me?" You asked reassuringly.
"The guys took my phone because I was always texting you and I wouldn't stop and they said that I was 'anti-social', so they took it," Niall cried on my shoulder.
"Oh I'm sorry baby, I should have asked you instead of blanking you for about 2 hours," you said.
"It's ok princess, are we still together?" Niall asked.
"I want to but that's only if you want to," I replied.
"Of course I do babe, why wouldn't I, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you mean the whole world to me, I love you billions, to the moon and back,"he said.
By this point you were crying with him and he cuddled you.
"I love you too baby," you cried.
"Shh shh shh shhhhhhhh, hey now don't cry babe I love you and don't ever forget that," Niall said. For the rest of the night you and Niall did some naughty things and then cuddled for the rest of the night.

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