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The sun was setting up, birds are chirping. It shows an lovely town.

This is pallet town..
where this young man calls home.

It shows an small white lovely house.

Panting, as the young boy ran down the strairs, holding an flyer about an 'pokemon camp'. The young boy sat on the railings and slides down, grunting and laughing as the young boy makes his way to the kitchen.

”Hey, mom!” the young boy exclaimed, breathlessly panting as he makes his way to his mother.

”can i go? Can i? To professor oak's pokemon camp!” the young boy said as he raised his hands that was holding the flyer, showing it to his mother.

”it's a really cool trip to a camp where you get to go and check out pokemon with professor oak!” the young boy exclaimed with a wide smile making his mother slightly gasp.

”oh, so they have a camp for that too. Alright I'll fill in an application for you there” his mother replied with a smile making the boy gasp in excitement.

”yay! Alright Alright!!” he cheered loudly and do a little dance in excitement.

”but i have an early appointment that day that I can't change, are you sure you can wake yourself up?-” his mother asked as the young boy interrupt her a bit.

”awesome! It'll be so much fun!” the young boy exclaimed and head towards the kitchen table making his mother slightly pout that her son isn't listening.

”are you listening?” his mother asked raising an eyebrow and put her both hand on her waist.

”yeah i wonder what kind of pokemon im gonna see!!” the young boy said in excitement.


The exciting world of pokémon, a group of the most unusual creatures teeming with mystery.

It shows some childrens playing and jumping on an unusual creatures belly

Well some can be found in the grasslands.

It then showed an forest with more unusual creature

Well some can be found in the grasslands.

New Journey Begins !.  [A SLIGHT GOHXREADER AND ASHXREADER]Where stories live. Discover now