Magic happened

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"What is it?" Stefie stirred around the dark red liquid in the cup, suspiciously glancing up at Elena. They were sitting in a room somewhere in the hospital's basement. It had no windows, only a faded LED lamp was flickering ominously on the ceiling, which was good. It made the twitchiness go away. To be honest she was hardly feeling anything now. No pain, no sensory overload, just tiredness, so terrifyingly intense, the girl was sure if she were to fall asleep right now, she would not wake up again.

"Stefie... Did you hear what I said?" Elena asked quietly. Stefie picked her head up. She had tears flickering in her eyes, as she switched her gaze back and forth between her mother and Dr.Earhart.

"Yes, I did hear what you said! And I think you're both completely crazy! Vampires?! Mom, you can't seriously believe in this bullshit!" She spat, slamming the cup down to the little table by the bed. The desperateness on Elena's face was beginning to scare her. She was waiting for one of them to admit they were joking. To burst out in laughter at their cruel prank, and let her go home. But it didn't happen. The two adults just fell quiet, watching her with worried expressions like she was a bomb about to explode.

And the most terrifying of all, a feeling she purposefully pressed deep down under her conscience. They were right, and she knew it. The craving spoke for itself. The way the blood smelled, made every inch of her body request it like it was a breath of fresh air. It also told her, that if she didn't give in, she'd die. She could feel that too. Stefie hugged her knees to her chest tightly and buried her face in her arm. She felt her mother's hand on her back, trying to comfort her. But she was shaking too. 

Stefie pulled away.

"Dont! Please... Can you...leave me alone for a minute?" She asked weakly. That part of her that wanted nothing more than for her mom to stay, to be able to cry it all out in her arms got outweighed by the one who did not want to be seen by her like this. Hungry. A monster. Dying...

She thought Elena wouldn't even consider it, but to her surprise, she felt a kiss on her forehead, and the weight on her bed shifting as her mother stood up.

" If that's what you want, yes. But I'll be right outside." She said.

Stefie heard the door close as Elena and Earhart stepped outside, but she didn't look up. From under her arm, she could clearly see the cup on the table. And was not able to tear her eyes away from it.

As the door closed behind them, Elena felt like her legs might finally give up from under her. She looked at Earhart, hoping the doctor had some consoling words to offer that would prevent her from losing it when she heard a call from the end of the corridor.

"Elena!" It was Damon, bursting through the swinging door, nearly running as he spotted them."I came as fast as I could. How is she?" He sounded upset enough, but it was still nothing compared to what flashed through him when he saw Elena's face. She just embraced him without a word, finally letting the silent tears that she'd been keeping in for Stefie's sake, roll down her cheek.

" Damon...she..." Started Elena after finding her voice. "She's in transition."

A whole range of emotions ran through the man, proving he registered what was said, only he couldn't get a word out. He held Elena slightly away to see her face, instinctively attempting to wipe her tears away gently. It was not happening. It could not have been happening... Damon glanced at Earhart, but he just nodded too, with a serious expression.

"She in there?" He pressed the words out finally signaling towards the door. Elena looked up.

"Yes, but..." But Damon didn't wait for her to finish. He swung the door open storming inside.

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