Chapter 22

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Jongryeo sighs in relief.

This was the moment his long march that started from the very first floor of the Spiral Abyss dungeon was drawing to a close here on this 100th floor.

He closed his eyes for a moment in order to get a grip on his turbulent emotions, only for the image of a shadowy figure appeared in his mind.


When he reopened his eyes, the messages that hadn't gone away yet entered his view again. Four alerts of him levelling up floated up there.

'I rose up four levels in one go?'

Jongryeo's expression brightened up considerably. Thinking back to how his levelling speed had slowed down to a crawl after he broke past level 90, he couldn't help but revel in happiness.

He quickly checked his Status Window.

[Level: 97]

Indeed, his level had jumped up by four.

Jongryeo smile softly.

A dizzying sense of achievement was quickly added on top of the relief he felt from finally clearing this dungeon. However, he quickly put aside this joy to the back of his mind.

He still had something far more important than levelling up right now.

'The Purified Blood of the Geo Spirit.'

That was the final puzzle piece to craft the item, 'Holy Water of Life'. Jongryeo quickly unwrapped the bandage off his hand and reached out towards the blinking lights on the corpse of Azhdaha.

[You have discovered 'Item: Dragon Lord's Crown'. Will you take it?]

[You have discovered 'Item: Primordial Jade Winged-Spear'. Will you take it?]

[You have discovered 'Item: Northlander Sword Billet'. Will you take it?]

[You have discovered 'Item: Bloodjade Branch'. Will you take it?]

[You have discovered 'Ingredient Item: The Purified Blood of the Geo Spirit'. Will you take it?]

Rather than feeling elated, Jongryeo felt anxious instead from the list of 'item discovered' messages that continued to pop up. Because, he couldn't spot the item he was looking for. However, he cried out in excitement as soon as he spotted the very last item, 'The Purified Blood of the Geo Spirit'.

'It's here.'

Jongryeo quickly acquired all the items and lifted up the item that must've been the The Purified Blood of the Geo Spirit.

[Ingredient Item: The Purified Blood of the Geo Spirit]

Rarity: ??

Type: Ingredient

This is the liquid created from purifying the blood of Azhdaha, the Overlord of the Geovishaps.

Possesses immense magical energy, but even after going through the purifying process, the blood still retains strong toxins. In order to use the blood as a medical ingredient, both the 'Fragment of the World Tree' and 'Spring Water from the Forest of Echoes' are needed to neutralize the toxin.

The red liquid sloshed inside a clear glass bottle according to the angle it was held.

'This is the blood of the Geo Spirit....'

He already possessed the other two ingredients, 'Fragment of the World Tree' and the 'Spring Water from the Forest of Echoes'. So, what was there to hesitate about?

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