Chester's POV:
TW: mentions of self-harm + eating problems
Great, another day of all things shit. I have one friend and I can tell I'm starting to loose him, too. Out of all people.
He's been my best friend since elementary. But ever since he met Millie, his girlfriend, he's been preoccupied with all his free-time with her. Which isn't particularly a good thing, for me. I've always been envious of all his other girlfriends, with no actual idea as to why.
I walk over to my class and slam my bag onto the hard-wood floors, with Parker already there, glancing over at me.
"Hey dude." He says, smiling at me.
"Hey." I mumble, forcing a smile. "Don't we a have a test today?" I continue.
He nods and mumbles. "Yeah, did you not study?"
"No." I answer sharply, "When do I ever?"
"You used to." He remarks.
I roll my eyes, and the bell rings. The teacher goes on about how it's worth 15% of our grade for about 20 minutes, before we have to start. I immediately panic and zone out. I didn't understand any of it. My leg bounces up and I scratch my old scars on my arm, and pick at my nails. I was breathing heavily to myself, and I was obliviously shaking. Parker noticed after a while and grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear. "Calm down, you'll do fine." In that hoarse tone of voice, that he always use trying to calm down. I'm not saying it didn't help, but at the same time, I still couldn't concentrate, partially because I was still worried and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, but also because he gave me fucking butterflies, again. It's not uncommon he does this, and it really fucking messes with my head. In the end, I end up trying to answer about 10 questions, out of 30. I was still failing, but I tried my best, I guess? I'm practically clueless.At lunch, it has only been 3 hours, and I just sit there eating nothing.
"Dude, are you okay?" He says, his tone of voice shaky.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I repeat myself, throwing my head back. Before sighing and looking at him. "Honestly, I'll be fine." I say, smiling.
"Are you sure?" He states, and I nod.
"Well anyways," He continues, "there's a party tomorrow, are you gonna come?"
"Yeah, sure, whose house?" I question him.
He smiles, "Millie's."
My face drops slightly and I nod, "Yeah, okay."
His eyes light up and he looks excited, "Good, it'll be so much fun with you there." He affirms, looking at me with his 'enthusiastic' face.
I force a smirk-with-teeth-weird-face, and then the ear-alarming bell rings. We have different classes, so I mumble a goodbye and walk off. I was so jealous of Millie, and I always would be, one thing that makes it just a little bit worse, is the fact that that girl hates me. Like, despises, loathes me, and she doesn't try and make it subtle.Parker's POV:
I was extremely worried about Chester. He does all of those things when he's extremely stressed or annoyed about something. But what? I couldn't detect it, which is strange, because I usually can, it's one of my many traits of things with Chester, I've known him since elementary, and he's always been hard to understand for everyone, but not me. But I brushed it off. He seemed to calm down at lunch around me, which has always been a good thing.
Chester's POV:
After school, Parker texted me saying:
"The party starts at 7:30 tomorrow, and you know where Millie lives."
I sigh and send a unmotivated:
"Okay, thanks."
I close my phone and get in my bed and drown in my own wretched thoughts. Before, flat out passing out.
The next day, I wake up, 1:00pm, how have I managed that much sleep? Probably because I haven't slept for days.
Creator's note: Next chapters the party and that's about it, but I can't guarantee how long it'll be.