Chapter 3

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Sky&Prapai House(Sky's POV)

I was placing back and forth waiting for my best friend, Rain to arrive.

The reason why I am so anxios is that around last week when I was talking with my brother and sister by law, P'Pai forgot that he has to stay hidden and he came in to the frame which resulted to Hyung and Unnie questioning me.

I barely escaped that time, which made me think that me and Rain won't be able to hide P'Phai and P'Phayu from our curios and posesive siblings much longer.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door bell ring which indicate that Rain has arrived.

Rain's POV:

As I barely place a foot into the mansion, I was pulled into a room that I quickly recognise and realise that my desperate bestie couldn't wait any second more and had me dragged in his and P'Phai's master room.

"Skyyy!! I know that you are desperate to talk and solve the problem with Noona and Hyung, but that does not mean you had to drag me like that. It's not like they are going to appear at the door tomorrow.

They are in Korea  and by how busy they usually are we don't need to worry."

"Yea, sorry. But still, what in the sake of god are we going to do? They grow more suspicios by the days and they are going to transform into walking volcanos if we don't do something."

"I know, I know! Still, doesn't matter what we're going to do P'Riya and P'Bam are still going to become walking volcanos 'cause we hid our boyfriends from them for  more than 1 year by now."

"Nevertheless if we are going to wait for them to find out that not just we have boyfriends for over 1 year but they also are from mafia family, they won't be just walking volcanos, they will transform in atomic bombs and P'Pai and P'Phayu will become Hiroshima and Nagasaki."


3'rd person POV:

While the two besties were chatting and trying to find a solution to their problem so their boyfriends won't become bombed cities by their older siblings, a couple miles away in South Korea a couple was planning their leaving back to Thailand.

BamBam's POV:

As I was packing with Riya I could not be unbothered by how stressed she is.


"Hmm?!" She look at me like she just got out of a trance.

"What's on your mind Yobo?" I said as I side hugged her and put my chin on her shoulder.

{Yobo=honey in Korean}
{Jagiya=Darling in Korean}

She looked at me in the eyes, took a deep breath and then said:

"I can't stop thinking about our brothers. It's like... I don't know how to put it in words but, I feel like I'm a horrible older sis. I literally "abandoned" my little brother when he was 8, to go to South Korea and become an idol.
And when I thought I will finally have time for my family after I left YG, guess what, now I have my own label that I need to take care of because I wanted to be a CEO!"

"Don't hate yourself. Plus if you think like that it shows how much you care and love him, I am sure that Rain isn't angry at you for your decision, and you know so well how much he support you in your career as a singer.

If you want to blame yourself bring me in this to 'cause I am not in a better situation, I also left Sky when he was  only 7 to fulfill my dream into becoming a singer like my pa, but I always remember how happy he is for me and all the support he gave me into this journey that we both know was one of the most difficult things we did in our life."

I said as a hugged her tighter, seeing a tear leaving her eye that I gently wiped it away with my thumb.

685 words

Next chapter is going to be published in an hour or two to keep the suspense🤗

I am so sorry for those who have been waiting for a long time but I really had a writing block and I hope you guys aren't angry on me😔😔
Except for my friends who I already know that they are furios for not updating in a while😅🥲 Matei2842 Manole4

Meeting the siblings in law {PhayuRain&PrapaiSky&Bamlisa}Where stories live. Discover now