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5 months ago,

If you had told me that I would wake up to the shouts of the King of Pyrite stepping down, I'd ignore you. But in reality, that is what happened to me a few minutes ago. An emergency meeting had been appointed at the very same time I was still asleep. I was dreaming of coming to visit Alluvium, one of the other kingdoms belonging to Elysium, before being  shaken awake by a fellow advisor. “We need to go, meeting held at the strategy room.” I couldn’t register what he said, but I followed him. Running  past multiple servants, sprinting past dimly lit passageways. I did not expect to be called in a meeting that late at night.

I didn’t expect anything that night, really.

Advisors were laid off about 50 years ago, as the Nobles council absolutely despised our influence in the economical and political landscape. We may be powerful, but we weren't as 'pure-blooded' as they were. They spread lies that we were no longer useful and that we only provided advice that catered to Aconite. We were never called again, but we were never fired as well. We just remained…dormant.  So, to be called back  50 years later, it immediately raised questions in my head. Why would they call us now, of all times? I understand that the king may have a good reason to consult us, but to call somebody after having held a streak of NOT calling them for 50 years straight is a bit....odd. I shrugged, continuing to jog past the servants looking at me weirdly. Maybe it was the oversized male pajamas that threw them off, or the fact that I was a faerie in a human-only nation. It could be both. I stopped jogging, facing a gold rimmed door. I could faintly pick up the noise of shouting within the room, and I could feel myself internally sigh. I just knew it was going to be annoying staying in that court. I look at my side. The advisor that woke me up let out heavy wheezes. I pat his back awkwardly to comfort him. He blinked at me, waving me off before lightly coughing. "I am fine, dear. Go on." I nod, before pushing open the door.
The scene that had unfolded in front of me was like that of young orphans scrambling to sit on one of the long tables after hearing the director ring the dinner bell. Except I was the director, and the majority of the nobles' council were the orphans. After everyone had finally settled down, did the king cough to gain everyone's attention. The royal family were all sitting on separate thrones, yet all remained compressed. The table was big enough to host at least 35 people, but all of the dukes and duchesses spread their legs just to make me and the old advisor's seating experience a living hell.  We sat down, glancing at each other. It was clear that the atmosphere was tense. No one knew whether or not they would be the topic of ridicule. Suddenly, I could feel the advisor  rub his hands before speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. "I greet the Saviors of our kingdom, His Majesties and Her majesties. I also greet our wonderful ladies and dukes within this room. All of you look more flattering than when I had seen you last." That eased the looming presence of tension, as the women's fans rocked hastily, their chests puffing up in pride. I raised a brow, a bit weirded out  and exasperated at his words. This was not going to go anywhere if we only provided flattering words to people who didn't need it.. "I, too, greet all of you. But, what exactly is the purpose of the meeting?" The king shifts in his seat, grunting. "Regarding my will and stepping down." I blink. I blink again.


"I am getting…what is that term the commoners  use nowadays? An Aerilyte on the west side? No, that was a few years ago… A treaty ready to break? Uhm… oh wait, I got it.  Controversial. . They deem me to be more related to a tyrant than a ruler. "
I tap on the wooden table, slightly confused. “I do not see the need for you to consult me on something as…unimportant as that, especially after 50 years. You are the king, your majesty… What is the importance of commoners’ opinions of you?”
He chortles. It sounded more like a sneeze than a laugh, and I tilt my head.

"I suppose that is fair.
But, another reason as to why I will be stepping down is because of age. I am old . Feeble. Meek." He stands up, nearly stumbling. The girl on one of the thrones immediately came to his aid. Her eyes screamed of worry, hand gripping his bed-gown. I took a guess that that was Her Majesty, Eirene. I have never met her before, as she wasn't even a thought in her parent's head when we were forced to leave the palace. He continued, breaching my quite close analysis on the girl.
"This council has been re-established two times ever since I had...well, let's say, let you take a break?" He waddled behind the nobles, circling us slowly. "I am slowly becoming bedridden. I am losing my mobility, and in the near future, I will no longer be able to think cohesively. Yet you disagree and find my order unimportant?" He said loudly, slamming his palm in front of me once he had come behind me. The lady  next to me let out a surprised yelp. I could see he was angry, his smile through gritted teeth. I speak softly, careful not to anger him any more. "Your Majesty, you are thinking irrationally. The will shouldn't even be talked about in at least another 10 years."
"I am 60, fae. I have lived longer than most rulers, so what makes you think I can last another 10 years?" My lips did not open the entrance to my mouth any longer. My words were reckless, but luckily a woman to my right speaks before the tension between me and the king could fester.
"Melusine was it?...Melusine, dearie , the king has weakened and aged since the last time you have seen him. He needs to finalize a ruler, and all of us have been talking about who deserves the throne."  The old woman smiles, though it was clearly malicious. She did not take kindly to my way of speaking informally, even to the royal family.
"Others want Orpheus as king, but some of us want Eirene as queen. The will that His Majesty will write shall function as his last orders, and as a public statement. Your true purpose here, along with Sir Belze, is to vote His or Her Highness." Her words dragged on a bit too long , even for me, and I hum half-heartedly. Finally deciding on a democracy-like system was one way to make me uninterested.
"Right now?"
"Right now."
I glance towards the advisor whose name I know now was sir Belze. Maybe I have met him once or twice before the 50 year incident, but trying to even remember one face from back then is hard. I could see the cogwheels in his brain churn in thought,and I stop myself from looking at him any further. I need to focus.
If Orpheus became king, he'd rule well, but would likely pale to the treaties of the other two kingdoms. If Eirene became Queen, she'd not be loved by all of Pyrite, but would be favored by those beyond our borders.  To choose between a king who is loved by his people, but hated by those who aren't, or a queen who isn't wanted by her citizens, but wanted by everyone else. I believe the decision is obvious.

"Orpheus." Me and Sir Belze said in unison. The nobles’ council immediately began to murmur and whisper to one another, as Eirene’s lips peek a small smile. It was clear she didn’t want the throne.  I could hear a "But if...." and "No, but it makes sense..." within the mumbles.

Finally, the king speaks again. At this point in time, he was already on his throne. 
"It is decided then. Orpheus, your crowning ceremony shall be held in 5 months. In that period of time, train and study under the advisor's care." He chuckles, clapping slowly. In all honesty, it was a bit awkward watching him clap by himself. I glanced at the newly crowned prince, who looked to be half asleep. I let out a scoff. His barely awake figure was how I internally felt, feeling the early rays of warning from the sun. I watched as his gaze fluttered to me and my smile dropped as fast as it had come. I immediately pull my head down, nodding as if to bow. Within my sight, I can see his eyes slightly crinkle and his lips curving slightly upward. I am not sure if it was out of amusement or out of joy, so I ignore his grin.
"Uhm... is that all you have to ask of us?" I questioned, looking in the eyes of every person within the room, including the king.
He nods, beginning to wave us off. "Yes, that is all. But before you leave, say this to all of the remaining advisors." He stood up again. I felt bad for Eirene, as she too, immediately stood up to support him.
"You are all formally called back towards your stations. Everything is to continue as it had been 50 years ago. Train our future generations as this is your duty." He declares, and me and Sir Belze bow for what felt like the millionth time, stepping back to leave the room. In the upper part of my vision, I could see Orpheus slightly wave at me, as if to say goodbye. I blink in response. As the doors were closed by the guards, we looked at the encrusted wack of an entrance for a solid 2 minutes. A few advisors remain, and to suddenly open admissions would be a big hassle. I mutter a curse under my breath, and I could see Sir Belze sigh.
"The paperwork...." I  hear him say, and I give him a tired thumbs-up.  "Let's walk back to the dorms?" He pats my back, possibly to return the favour of me doing the same earlier. As we slowly step towards our 'home', his soft voice vibrates through my ears.
"Melusine. You are from Alluvium, right?" I nod blankly. It was 4am, and the sun was truly beginning to rise. I could barely register his words any longer.

"How are you an advisor? I mean, I am sure you are a wonderful source of wisdom, as you had worked even earlier than me, but how? Pyrite is an exclusive human only nation, and to see you, someone of another race-"
I put a finger to his lips, and with all my strength, I give him a sweet smile.. He sure knew how to read the room with the nobles, but not with me.
"Yes, I am aware. The answer to that is simply because I was taken in. Nothing else to add." I walk faster, trying to go back to my bed as soon as possible. I could see his demeanor shift, pity settling in his eyes.
"Oh..my apologies, I didn't mean to strike a nerve. I was just curious." I did not reply, instead focusing on the sights ahead of me. My room. It was finally in reach, and I waved farewell–though a bit too quickly– to him. He smiles, before bowing again and closing the door to his room.

After a few hours of turning and tossing, I finally rest on my side. I am still wide awake, thinking. I doubt if I have made the right decision. Was voting for Orpheus the right option? Will it cause tension? Aconite has never truly approved of any of the king’s sons, so if I have had an error in my judgment...No. It is fine. I will talk to Gaia tomorrow. She, of everyone in this world, would tell me.

After all, she is still their mother.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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