☁️ Yungi•ᶜᵘᵈᵈˡᵉˢ{ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ, ˢʰᵒʳᵗ}

761 6 0

Top:Mingi Bottom:Yunho

It gets a little steamy at the end, sry😁.
⚠️Naked cuddles.

Ateez were exhausted from their new comeback. Especially Mingi and Yunho, they really worked hard than the other members. They missed each other so much. They were a lovely couple they had never got no touch like this before.

Yunho was currently sitting on their shared bedroom scrolling through social media. Yunho was very exhausted. He haven't got in touch in a while with mingi. Mingi was tired too.

Currently Mingi was out from the shower wearing only a towel on his bottom half. He went to the closet to pick something to wear. Yunho put down his phone and got on his feet to the closet and stood next to mingi who was wearing a sweatpant.

Yunho faced mingi and hugged him. Mingi was shook but he pulled yunho in his arms. Yunho wrapped his arms around Mingi's neck and placed a sof kiss on his lover's lips. Mingi kissed back without leaving yunho from his hold.

"I missed you mingi🥺". Yunho said with tears."I missed you too yuyu😘, why are you sobbing love?". "I don't know I missed this so much." Yunho always felt safe and comfort in mingi's arms. Mingi's chest was so wide that Yunho could keep snuggling all day.

They again smashed their lips together. They moved their heads in rhythm.The kiss was so lustful. Mingi placed his hands on Yunho's waist. Yunho placed his palms on Mingi's chest. Eyes locked👀 on each other.

(Omg, Imma sob🥺)

Yunho broke the kiss and said "mings can we cuddle pwease, yuyu is tired". Yunho said with doe eyes that shines more than a star. Mingi was so melted in Yunho's eyes. He loved how cute Yunho was when he was feeling down.
Mingi kissed Yunho again. Using the kiss as a yes.

Yunho loved to see Mingi showing his skin more, only for him because yunho was comfortable in Mingi's skin. It was smooth yet plumpy. Mingi was perfect for Yunho and same with mingi too. Yunho tugged at the hem of Mingi's pants, signalling mingi to change.

"Your pants aren't good for yuyu, change pwease". Yunho said with a pout with crossing his arms. "Should I just remove it or change it, jagi". Mingi asked while leaning in to yunho and tugging at the hem of his boxers that was shown even by the pants."I think my jagi will be relaxed". Mingi whispered in Yunho's ear before placing a kiss on his ears.

Yunho just looked away with a smile on his face while his cheeks were flushed with red and pink. He nodded in little while turning back to remove his tshirt. He looked at Mingi while holding the tshirt after removing it.

Mingi didn't move from his last place, he was waiting for Yunho's confirmation because they haven't done a naked cuddling ever bcz even if they try to one of them will lose his patience and it will move on to be a hot session.They just decided ro cuddle because the two of them were really tired. They just needed love and some relaxation without feeling uneasy. They have eachother as a comfort.

Steaming starts don't read if you're uncomfortable ⚠️⚠️

"What are u waiting for?". Yunho asked having a little smile on his lips. Mingi looked at him and smirked while they removed their clothings and jumped into the mattress. Yunho put the AC level a bit more higher because he knew Mingi is warmer.

They got under the covers after feeling a bit embarrassed being fully naked in the atmosphere. They closed the gap between their bodies. Feeling the warmth of eachother. They felt comfort and relaxed for the first time after a good period of time.

They rubbed their bodies together. Each part of their body hitting together🌚. Mingi lifted Yunho's head by his chin and captured his lips for a mouthful kiss. Yunho's hands of Mingi's neck, Mingi's hands on Yunho's plump ass."I don't think I can handle this anymore, let's stop this here. We can do it another day". Mingi said after he felt rock hard."Why, we could do it, Im kinda hard too btw". Yunho said in a low tone.

Mingi didn't want to do it just because he knew yunho was tired. His eyes were sore and his face was puffy with his swollen lips.

"Yuyu, baby you need rest. You look so sore. Please. We can do it another day. Ok". Mingi said while cupping Yunho's face. Yunho just nooded and smiled after hugging Mingi tightly.

They shared a few more kisses and said good night to each before they fall in a deep sleep........ ❤️


A/N: Imma publish the next chapter soon bcz Im writing it nonstop... I wish it had an ending🤣btw it is that one woogi one.Im sorry for updating late and I'm having trouble in writing lately. I'm not getting ideas. Im trying to but when I start it, it turns into a whole new chapter😅. The next chapter is like that..... So please keep reading 🙏 Also I didn't read this... Im just lazy to read. Im rushing the next one out. Please Forgive me for the mistakes👀

Love you all❤️

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