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Author 's pov:

A devilish smirk placed on his lips as his burning
Eyes sinfully roamed on her entire body before returning his gaze back to her frightened face ...

A sudden shiver ran down her spine when his vemon filled dark eyes met her. She stood there frozen unable to move as she felt his corrupted get spelled on her body .

He took some calculated steps forward,standing dangerously close to her petite figure .Goosebumps embarrassed her skin feeling his dark dominant aura around her while his strong cologne hit on her nostrils making her knees go weak .

In the next second her eyes widened in pure horror when his hand wrapped around her throat. Giving it a light squeeze he slowly brushed the tip of his veiny slender fingers on it.

Jungkook: are u afraid,kitten?
*his deep husky voice came out with dominance making her breath hitch as he titled his head studying her face like his piercing eyes feasting on her soul .*

Jungkook: were u planning to run away from me.?*she shook her head slowly while his eyes darkened . The veins of his hand became more visible as he add a bit more pressure on her throat choke on the air.*

Jungkook: My hand perfectly wrapped around ur throat. How about I choke u to death rn?*her face suddenly paled as no words coming out of her mouth while his sinful gaze fall on her trembling lips*

Jungkook: looking at these lips all I can think rn is to f*cking kis you so sinfully and desperately until you pass out in my arms*his hand freed her throat and grab her nape instead ,pulling her more closer to his as he bend down to her level *

Jungkook:tell me should I kitten ?
*she shook her head not daring to break eye contact .His face is to close hers that she can feel his hot breath against her lips as she felt like she will really passed out soon not being able to bear the powerful dominance radiating from him*

Jungkook:Open that pretty mouth of yours and let me hear ur voice * he waited for her answer but clenched her jaw after receiving silence as she is too frightened to speck with the sudden appearance and closeness of him*

Jungkook:I don't like repeating myself. *he whispered huskily near her ear before biting on her earlobe *

Y/n: stay away you creep! *her voice came out shakily when she flinched at his sudden move staring staring at him with her eyes widened while he smirked evilly *

Jungkook :I can't when u attracted me like a f*cking magnet!
*he let out a small chuckle titling his head sending goosebumps all over her body *

Y/n :if u r not certainly not yet , my name is y/n not kitten.

Jungkook :jeon y/n sounds perfect . He cockily replied *

Y/n : Hwang y/n *she tried to correct him but he only smirked *

Jungkook: just matter of a few days , u better get used to my surname *bringing his face closer to hers he whispered * 'our surname '

Y/n : have some manners before storming in someone's room without knocking or asking permiss---ahh *she couldn't finished her words as he grabbed her shoulder and pinned her against the near wall*

Jungkook: I m mannerless how about I show u a glimpse of myself.?
*her eyes widened looking at his evil look on his face *

*He pressed his body more closer to her *
Jungkook : don't look at me like this or I will --- *he west his bottom lips with his tongue staring at her parted ones * f*ck my thoughts are running wild *

Ummm hey...😅 ik the update is late....but ....I was not well so I can't update ep 1 yesterday.....
Enjoy plz.....


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