An unamed story

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Notes from me - feel free to skip I wrote these while half asleep

It's been a long while since I posed any of my writing on here, so I thaught I'd share all I've managed to write on this little story of mine. I was inspired to write this after finishing I Was Born For This by Alice Osman, witch is an AMAZING book by the way, and I'm pretty proud of it. The writing style is quite diffrent to my normal one, and tbh I like it more, but it is harder to write.

This story is set in Cardiff, Wales (yes, I have been to the city I'm writing about for once) in the year 2025, and obvuisly I had to give it a little relation to the Eurovion song contest and my love of concerts. For the many americans here, Eurovion is a European song contest that Autisria also particpies in, where all parpcipating conteries enter an artist or band with a song each year, and people (and the jury) vote on a winnier, the winning contery host the compation next year (it is a LOT more complicated than that, I seruoisly suggest you look into it a little its turly iconic, plus my favroute band ever Joker Out where in it. Snap, popular on tiktok, is a Eurovion song, and for anyone who's heard of Alexander Rybak he won Eurovion - okay but enough ramblening) when I wrote the beggning of this story, the Eurovion contestend for Irland this year (2024) had not yet been relased, and this story is set in a Young Royals like universe, where it's essialy our but some celbritys are diffrent.

I'm going to post all of the chapters I have written in the same part, as really this story deserves it's own book, but I don't have the constant activy on here to do that. If enough people think I should give it's its own book - and with that a title - then I might do that <3

I hope you enjoy this quite diffrent story I have written, I have written this for my own enjoyment rather than anything else, and have only showed the parts to my sisters and my son before, I decided to share it here becuse I feel it has more potential than a lot of things I have written

I adore reading comments and hearing peoples thaughts on the poltiline and characters, so please do comment and tell me what you think! I never got to read this for the first time, so I love to hear what it's like not knowing whats comming next (not that there are any big plot twists)

Oh, and It's a romance...of course

Part 1 - Lenny

I pull open the door and, oh, there's a girl in here. So much for my quiet room. I reach into my pocket to make sure I have a pen, in case she asks me to sign anything.

"Oh sorry" She says as I enter. "I was just getting a break from the noise" I chuckle

"Me too" She smiles at me but doesn't try to continue the conversation. "You a fan then?" I ask, guessing I could predict her answer. I was wrong.

"Me? Not really. I'm here with my sister. She loves him, could spot him from a mile away. I probably couldn't even recognise him if he was standing right in front of me" she's right, she couldn't. I smile, it's amusing to me how oblivious she is. "You?" She asks me, returning my smile like it was a polite gesture and not my own amusement.

"I'm pretty involved" I tell her, I'm not lying.

"Cool" is her only reply. I check the clock, I'm not needed for another fifteen minutes.

"So, what music do you like?" I ask her, taking a seat in the fancy chair by the table. She sits too.

"I'm more into pop, any pop, really, I don't really have a favorite artist"

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