part 3

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Here's the third chapter of "Dastak"

Feels good to update a chapter in the middle of the class.

Happy reading 🩷

I sit in front of my brother sipping my black coffee.

"Bhaiya, we need to look for some lawyer as soon as possible or else the court will assign us and that really won't help us much,"

I hear him and my mind goes to the lady I met in my office.

Giving an interview in exchange of having a lawyer doesn't sound as a bad idea.

"I have someone in my mind. Arjun Sharma," He tells me further and he's talking about the that reporter's brother.

I have checked her family background and came to know that her father is a politician, her brother is a emerging lawyer and she's a reporter.

I have met her father in multiple business meets and parties and he seems a honest man but you can't judge someone based on how they talk and behave.

About her brother, he's good at his work. Won 44 out of 50 cases till now. He can be a good choice but he isn't much experienced.

It's been around 2 or 3 years since he's practising and my opponent have the best lawyer of this country.

"Bhaiya," I come out of my trance once my brother calls me.

"We can talk to him, maybe he's ready to take out case." He look at me with hopeful eyes.

I divert my gaze and that lands in the living room and I see my elder son walking downstairs.

He walks into the kitchen and after some time comes back with a bread In his hand and run back into his room. He have lost his charm in last few months.

And god forbid if I couldn't win this case, I'll be away from him and more than anyone else needs me at this moment, my son needs me the most.

"Call him and schedule an appointment with him." I tell my brother and get up after keeping my cup of coffee on the table.

I see a smile forming on Manish's face. '

I just hope Arjun Sharma agrees to fight my case.

With a sigh, I climb the stairs and my eyes falls on Ahaan and Shivam, who are sleeping peacefully.

I move forward and knock at the door of Ayansh's room before moving inside.

I saw him sitting on the chair while he was writing something in his notebook probably.

I silently sit beside him without disturbing him and pick up his notebooks to go through them.

He's a bright student. Not the brightest one who will always top the class but the one who studies well and that's enough for me.

As I go through his note copy, I see "Fail" written in front of the assignment sheet which is completely empty.

"Ayansh," I call him and he stops writing and looks at me.

"Why didn't you complete your assignment?" I ask him and he goes back to what he was doing.

"We were asked to write a essay on Mother," He tells me in the coldest tone I ever heard from him without looking at me and my heart sinks into my stomach.

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