Ch 17: Resurrection

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Rosaline brought Hel to Naza's place quickly. Naza carried Hel inside her pack house and called for Ada who promptly arrived and checked on Hel. Ada figured that Hel was under a strong spell. "Just fucking do something," Rosaline begged, tears streaming down her face. "It's all my fault," she cried, "I should have.." she gasped for air, struggling to speak through her sobs, "I.."

Ada's hand reached the distressed woman, softly placing it on her cold hand. "She will be fine, she is strong. I'll help her," she reassured Rosaline, whose cheeks were stained with tears.

Rosaline swallowed hard, feeling a sharp pain as she gulped, her throat becoming parched from the overwhelming panic. She gently nodded her head, allowing her body to relax under Ada's soothing touch. Even though Ada was a witch, to Rosaline, she was a goddess and she trusted Ada's capability. The rest of them left the room, leaving Hel alone with Ada.

Naza comforted Rosaline, who was overwhelmed with guilt for not being able to protect Hel. Naza held the vampire tightly, whispering words of reassurance, assuring her that it was not her fault and that Hel was resilient. Rosaline, unable to contain her emotions, completely broke down in Naza's embrace. Meanwhile, the pack members anxiously paced back and forth, gathering the necessary supplies for Ada to remove the spell from Hel's heart.

Two days and three nights, that's what it took for Ada to remove the spell completely from Hel's heart. Ada was exhausted, and Rosaline took care of her. Meanwhile, Hel remained solitary in the chamber, trapped in a ceaseless cycle of haunting nightmares.

"What do you mean?" Naza questioned Ada, who was sitting down in front of her accompanied by Rosaline who was deep in her thoughts.

Ada proceeded to explain, "The spell is completely harmless to humans, which is why I fail to comprehend why they would target a human. Moreover, I am perplexed as to why they would subject it to a spell."

"Unless," Rosaline whispered, her eyes fixed on the floor as she spoke, "unless it was test."

Continuing, she added, "King Jeroen is not naive. I can still remember those werewolves. I stood by King Jeroen as he made them yield to him. But, there was a witch with them. "

"The only reason why the spell was meant for vampires is because it wasn't meant for Leila in the first place. The King's intention was to test if Hel would willingly sacrifice herself for Leila, and she indeed did. This is the reason why they took her away," Rosaline explained. "I am aware of his tactics. He is an insecure little bitch who resorts to petty actions rather than facing someone head-on," Rosaline added, her voice laced with venom.

The rest of them listened intently to her and they agreed. If Hel had not intervened to save Leila, the human could have perished, making her presence unnecessary anyways. However, if Hel did step in, it would serve as sufficient evidence for the King to confirm Hel's feelings for Leila, providing him with leverage against her.

Rosaline had been trying to detect Leila's scent, but unfortunately, she failed. She sighed in frustration, she knew how much Hel cared for Leila. She noticed it first even before Hel did. "I can't pick up her scent nearby," Rosaline whispered.

"Who leads that pack?" Naza inquired, as she gazed at Rosaline, who had her face buried in her hands.

"Mahza, the pack resides near the mountains in the east," Rosaline muttered, her hands shielding her face.

"That's quite far from here," Naza spoke. It would take days to reach the mountains. Naza had doubts about the pack's intentions of abducting Leila within their pack house. It seemed too conspicuous, and Naza couldn't fathom them being so naive.

"I think-" Rosaline ceased her speech abruptly and rose to her feet. Naza was already on alert, detecting a formidable aura within the forest. Ada positioned herself next to Rosaline, while the pack members gathered in one place, encircling the pack house as they stood facing the intruder.

BOOK I: A Beating Heart(G!P)Where stories live. Discover now