First Meet ( ep 2 )

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Kook Pov

As soon as my mom told me that I just ran towards bathroom to get ready
Ahhh~ how can I forgot that I am an idiot  ( pouts ) but now junkook you should not waste time just get ready fast yeah I can do it
Last time I saw myself in mirror before going down . I look really beautiful ❤️ how can I be so pretty wow I love myself .I know after seeing me they will be mesmerized by my beauty ( filliping his imaginary hairs ) then I went down

I know after seeing me they will be mesmerized by my beauty ( filliping his imaginary hairs ) then I went down

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This is how he looked 🤩🤩

No one's pov

After getting ready kookie went down there he saw his delicious food and banana milk . He ran towards it started eating it as if someone is going to steal it from him but he was also loking extremely cute

Yoongi : good morning 🌅 ( while coming down )

Kook : good morning appa ( while food in his mouth )

Yoongi : ( chuckle) eat slowly baby no one's gonna steal it

Kook : hmm

J hope : good morning hubby

Yoongi : good morning sweetheart ( while giving a peck )

J hope : aish what are you doing kook is here only ( shly)

Yoongi : so what your my wife I have full rights on you . And see your son didn't even notice

J hope saw towards kookie yoongi was right kookies full concentration was on food which he was eating

Suddenly they disturb by doorbell

J hope : I think they arrived

Kookie : who mom ?

J hope : the one you are going to marry with

j hopes goes towards the door to open it

Kook pov

As I heard they came mom went to open the door I stood up and make myself proper I also marched towards the door as soon as the door opened two tall men's came inside

J hope : welcome 🤗 ( goes and hugs jin)

Jin : ( hugs back ) hello

Yoongi : please get in

Joon : thank you

Ohh wow they look so handsome. Everyone in their family is handsome I came out of my thoughts by a voice

Jin : is this our son in law ohh 😮 my god he is so cute ( pinches his chick )

Kook : thank you aunty you look beautiful too ( blushes)

Jin : yea I am wwh ( world wide handsome) but you can call me mama as I am going to be your mother in law

Kook : ok ( blushes )

Then they enter and sat on sofa but I wonder why are they not here . Should I ask aun..I mean mama ( blushes ) will it be appropriate to ask suddenly mom spoke making me come out of my thought

J hope : come kook sit with us why are you standing there

Kook : yes mom I am coming

No one's pov

Then kook came and sit with them

Yoongi : umm where are our son in laws

Joon : they had and important meeting so they went to office but they will come directly here after the meeting is over

Yoongi : ohh ok ok

And they all started to talk nonstop kookie was feeling bored but suddenly they hear an car horn indicating they both are here

Kookies heartbeat got fast he was getting nervous

Kook pov
I was feeling so bored I wonder when they both will come suddenly we hear a car horn means they are finally here I was so excited but my heartbeat got fast i was felling nervous to meet them but I don't know why

Jin : they are here

As the door open reaviling two most handsome mans I got mercerised how can be they so hot and handsome 😯 omg I was shamelessly staring at at them but they didn't even see towards me I got little disappointed as they just sat without looking at me

Tae pov

After finishing the meeting we were happy cause the meeting went well then I got an notification from mom that she told me come there fast . Ahh

Tae : do we really have tio go min

Min : hmm we need to as we promised mom dad

Tae : hmm let's go then

Then we drive there I got out of car and open car door for jimin giving him my hand indicating hiim to come he came and went inside and sat on the sofa

Joon : baby how was thee meeting

Tae : hmm it went good ( cold )

Kook Pov

I went and sat with mom and dad after some time I saw towards them they were also seeing towards me we were doing an eye contact but I feel really shy so I broke it

Ohh wait I will show vmin  Outfit

Ohh wait I will show vmin  Outfit

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Jimin pov

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Jimin pov

We sat afert sometime I looked up saw my sooon to be husband he is so cute and beautiful suddenly he look at me made eye contact but broke it as he felt shy ohh he look cute while he is shy . As I saw towards tae I think so he also thought same

No one's POV they talked and left for their home

For now till here only stay tuned for next episode hope you like this episode 🤗😄👋👋👋👋👋👋

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