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Both the Traveler and Paimon's eyes widened with shock, looking at each other before looking back to you. You grinned, their reaction had given you your answer. Walking closer to the duo before stopping directly in front of them.

"Let's talk."

Now walking side-by-side with the Traveler, an uncomfortable silence consuming the three of you. You knew you should probably be the one to start this conversation, seeing as you brought it up. But you had a hard time figuring out the right thing to say. You hadn't thought much about it, but you didn't know anything about the Traveler other than him and his sisters interaction with the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. You were still pondering what to say when Paimon spoke up.

"Why don't we take a rest here?"

The three of you were now sitting at a table in front of a tall building, which you learned was the Wangshu Inn. For a second time, Paimon initiated the conversation.

"How do you know? As far as Paimon knows you aren't like Mona, so who are you and how much do you know?"

You weren't sure who Mona so you couldn't positively say you weren't like her, but that's not important. Paimon narrowed her eyes at your silence, awaiting your answer. Rather than answering Paimon, you spoke directly to the Traveler.

"Honestly, I don't know much. I know of you and your siblings interaction with the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, and that's really it. Actually, if you don't mind, could you tell me what happened? If you do, I'll tell you how I know."

The decided to offer it as a trade, rather than just asking. The two seemed unsure. After all this information would be going to a complete stranger. After thinking, they both agreed they saw you as no threat. Paimon told you of his sister being captured, his awakening on the beach with barely any memories, and their adventures to find his sibling up until now. You had hit a dead end. The Traveler didn't know anything more than you did!! Despite not learning any major information, you still decided to uphold your end of the deal.

"I am- or was, a resident of Celestia. I was the "God of the Stars" until yesterday."

"You?? A God?? And what do you mean was?? Are you messing with Paimon!!!"

"No i'm not messing with you, it's true! And I saw was cause i'm obviously not there anymore."

You rolled your eyes at the girls questions. She was annoyed with you as well. The more questions she asked the more confused she got.

"So you just left? And here Paimon thought the Tone Dead Bard was bad."

"Obviously I didn't leave! I was chased out...I literally fell from Celestia while trying to escape whatever they were gonna to do me!"

You sighed, turns out the walking had exhausted you more than you thought. The Traveler gave a questioning look, from that you could see what he wanted.

"They were after me because I found out the stars were fake. They lied to me, and to all of you. I fled and am now looking for people who have any connections to Celestia, which is why i was hoping you would know something about it."

Traveler and Paimon looked at each other again. It was like they could communicate with their minds, creepy. You simply watched them interact when Paimon turned to you with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face.

"Alright!! You can come along and help us if needed, and we will help you find information on this world. We've already contacted the Anemo and Geo Archon and they weren't much help when it came to his sibling. So you can tag along when we head to Inazuma!"

You were surprised. You hadn't expected them to offer to help you. If you were being completely transparent, the idea of working with an enemy of Celestia had interested you more than finding information. You smiled softly.

"Alright, i'll be there if you need it. And you try to gain information for me."

"It's a deal!! When we head to Inazuma, you're comin with us!"

You shook Paimons hand and offered the Traveler a thankful smile.


It wasn't long before it was finally time for your departure to Inazuma. The last month had consisted of you learning more about the mortal world and it's customs. The Traveler had somehow managed to get you a place to stay at the Wangshu Inn while they continued their work in Liyue. But now it was time for the three of you to take your adventure to Liyue. You walked down the streets of Liyue Harbor, planning to meet up with the Traveler and Paimon.

"Hey!! It's (Name)!"

Paimon waved excitedly at you. The Traveler also offered a wave and a small. You gave a wave in return and walked beside them.

"We were just about to talk to Katheryne before we left! So you're just in time!"

The duo lead you to Katheryne of the Adventurers Guild. You opted to keep yourself out of the conversation and instead observe the harbour around you. In the short amount of time you've been in the mortal realm, you grew to appreciate it's architecture much more than Celestias. It was much more...lively.

"There you are! You're the Traveler that Beidou will be taking to Inazuma, right?"

The Traveler nodded.

"The fleet has nearly completed reprovisioning. Once the crews have taken a headcount, we can get underway. Captain Beidou sent me to come get you. We'll weigh anchor as soon as you're all aboard."

Even though you had gotten more used to humans, you still felt unsure conversing with them. Up until now, you had basically only talked to non-mortals.
You three now headed to the loading docks to board. Captain Beidou was a lively lady who welcomed you aboard the ship. You were impressed by the confidence she held when conversing, but were more impressed with her ship. You followed closely behind Traveler as he walked around the ship, seemingly knowing quite a few people already. Beidou smiled down at the three of you as the anchors were lifted and the ship set sail to Inazuma. Though the storms were rough, The Alcor had finally arrived in Inazuma. It was beautiful, ethereal even. You had never seen anything like it. Exiting the boat and walking on the port, you marveled at the scenery around you. It wasn't long before the traveler was caught up with helping others again. The three of you decides to parts ways until they were closer to talking to the nations ruler.

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note: dont know how much of this is actually correct😭but like hopefully only one more chapter until scaramouche and you reunion oh em gee

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