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The sunbathed the Village Hidden in the Leaves in its morning glow, signaling the onset of a new day. The bustling activity of the villagers filled the streets, each person engrossed in their ordinary routines. However, a shift in the atmosphere occurred as a young boy, around seven years old, turned the corner onto the main street.

A collective pause ensued among the villagers; their daily tasks momentarily abandoned as they cast curious glances at the child. Whispers echoed through the air, laden with judgment and suspicion. Phrases like, "Isn't that the Kyubi brat?" and "We better stay away from him" circulated briefly. Unfazed, the boy, known as Naruto, had grown accustomed to the wary looks, for as long as he could remember, the villagers had regarded him as if he were a demon.

Today, however, Naruto carried an air of indifference. An old man, the Third Hokage, had left a note on his table, urging him to visit the Hokage's tower at 9:00 AM for an important discussion. Thoughts raced through Naruto's mind—would it unveil the mystery of his parentage or perhaps concern the commencement of his academy training? Despite the uncertainty, he swiftly readied himself and made his way to the Hokage's tower.

Upon entering, he encountered the Hokage's secretary, an older woman named Miss Sesho. "Ah, Naruto, Hiruzen told me you were coming. You should hurry; he's been waiting," she advised. Grateful, Naruto sprinted up the stairs, reaching the Hokage's office, breathless and five minutes late."Sorry, GG, I got lost," panted Naruto as he burst through the door. The Hokage, Hiruzen, responded with a subtle sweatdrop, dismissing the tardiness. "No matter, Naruto. We all make mistakes. Take a seat; I have important things to discuss with you."

Following Hiruzen's serious tone, he emphasized the confidentiality of their conversation. Naruto, now serious, raised his hand and pledged not to divulge any information without permission. With the promise made, Hiruzen delved into revelations about Naruto's heritage—the Uzumaki clan—and encouraged him to explore their history when he became a Genin.

As the conversation unfolded, Hiruzen added a crucial detail about the shadow clone jutsu. "Naruto, it's vital to understand that when a shadow clone is dispelled, all of its memories are transferred back to the original. If you were to make too many clones and dispel them simultaneously, you risk an overload of information, which could cause you to pass out. It's a forbidden jutsu for a reason."

Despite the prohibition, Hiruzen acknowledged Naruto's exceptional chakra and granted him scrolls on fuinjutsu and the shadow clone jutsu as a special gift.

Grateful and intrigued, Naruto departed the Hokage's tower, armed with newfound knowledge and scrolls. Little did he know that his journey had just begun, marked by secrets, challenges, and the unlocking of his true potential as a ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village.

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