First day

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As Naruto left the Hokage's tower, his mind was swirling with new information. The revelation about his Uzumaki lineage left him in awe, and the promise to keep it a secret weighed heavily on his young shoulders. Armed with scrolls on fuinjutsu and the shadow clone jutsu, Naruto couldn't wait to explore the potential within him.

As he walked through the Village Hidden in the Leaves, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The sun continued to shine brightly, casting a warm glow over the village. Naruto decided to head to the library to learn more about his Uzumaki clan and delve into the world of fuinjutsu.

The library was vast and filled with ancient scrolls and books. Naruto navigated through the shelves, eventually finding the section on clan histories. He eagerly picked up a scroll about the Uzumaki clan and started reading about their unique abilities, sealing techniques, and their history as a powerful and resilient clan.

Days turned into weeks, and Naruto immersed himself in his studies. He practiced fuinjutsu diligently, experimenting with different seals and their applications. The shadow clone jutsu, with its forbidden nature, became a challenge that Naruto couldn't resist. He spent hours perfecting it, pushing the limits of his immense chakra.

"Today marks the first day of the academy; I'd better get up before I'm late," Naruto thought as he completed his morning routine, preparing himself for the day ahead. With determination in his eyes, he set out for the academy, pondering the possibilities that awaited him.

"I wonder what will happen there? Will I even learn anything? Well, I'll just make some shadow clones to keep practicing the gravity seal. I'll also send some to the library to see if there's anything on fuinjutsu. I'll have to use the transformation jutsu on those clones so they can get into the shinobi part of the library."

Naruto proceeded to create ten clones for practicing fuinjutsu and thirty for the library."Well, this is it, my homeroom for the next four years," Naruto muttered to himself as he opened the door to the classroom, revealing around thirty students seated within. "I should just take a seat for now."

"Hello, class! My name is Iruka; I will be your homeroom teacher for the next four years. Now, let's go outside to the sparring arena."

As Naruto walked with the class, he couldn't help but wonder who he would fight. Considering this was the first match they would ever have, it would leave a lasting impression on everyone."Alright, class, we are here. Today, we will be sparring to see where everyone's at in terms of strength. Two students will fight one on one, and there are three ways a student can win: first, if you knock the opponent out of the circle, you win; second, if the person concedes you win; and finally, if you make the opponent unable to fight back. Any questions?"

"No? Well, then our first fight will be... (Skipping all fights but Naruto's) Next up is Sasuke Uchiha versus Naruto Uzumaki."

As Naruto heard his name called for the first sparring match against Sasuke Uchiha, a mix of excitement and nervousness surged within him. He made his way to the sparring area, eyes focused on Sasuke, who exuded an air of confidence. The two stood on opposite ends of the circular arena, surrounded by their classmates and the watchful eyes of Iruka. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Naruto couldn't help but steal a quick glance at the spectators, catching glimpses of curious faces and hushed whispers.

Iruka raised his hand, signaling the beginning of the match. Instantly, Naruto formed hand seals and created a few shadow clones to surround Sasuke, attempting to overwhelm him with numerical advantage. However, Sasuke swiftly countered by, analyzing the situation and dodging the clones with ease.

The spar unfolded with a display of taijutsu and quick maneuvers. Naruto, fueled by determination, attempted to close the distance and land a hit on Sasuke. The Uchiha prodigy, however, displayed his prowess, effortlessly evading Naruto's attacks.

As the battle continued, Naruto strategized in his mind. "I need to think of something to catch him off guard." Suddenly, an idea sparked. Naruto executed a well-timed transformation jutsu, creating the illusion of a charging clone. Sasuke, momentarily deceived, dodged in the wrong direction, giving Naruto the opening he needed.

With a swift movement, Naruto managed to knock Sasuke out of the circle, securing his victory in the first sparring match of the academy. The classmates watched in awe as Naruto, an underdog in their eyes, triumphed over the renowned Uchiha.

Iruka, acknowledging Naruto's win, addressed the class. "Well done, Naruto! That was an impressive display. Let's continue with the next matches." As Naruto soaked in the moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The academy had just begun, and this was only the beginning of his journey as a ninja.

As Naruto wrapped up his day at the academy, he made his way home, the echoes of his dispelled clones resonating in his mind. "Interesting," he mused, realizing the utility of the technique. "That's why the seal wouldn't work! I'll have to experiment with it more when I get home."

Once he reached the familiar confines of his room, Naruto wasted no time. "Now that I'm home, let's work on this seal," he declared, summoning five clones to assist him.

"So, this seal should work if I only use three swipes of chakra instead of four." As Naruto tried the seal again, success followed. However, the clone's violent fall led to its inevitable dispelling.

"Wow, I wonder what else I could do with this seal? Perhaps to immobilize an enemy or create makeshift training weights? I'll have to conduct more experiments, but for now, I'll use it as training weights."

Determined, Naruto applied seven gravity seals – one on each limb, one on his neck, one on his chest, and one on his back. Set to 1.3 times normal gravity, he felt the immediate strain.

"This is much heavier than I anticipated," Naruto admitted, panting heavily. Undeterred, he resolved to incorporate the gravity seals into his workout, pushing himself to the limit.

As he started his routine, Naruto discovered that the added gravity significantly increased the difficulty. "Only 30% of what I usually do," he realized, acknowledging the challenge.

"That was the toughest training session yet. I'm in so much pain, but I just have to push through it. In the pursuit of power!" Determined, Naruto retired to his bed, embracing the exhaustion, and drifted into a well-earned sleep.

The great seal master Naruto UzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now