The Break Up - 2

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Read part one first!!!

*y/n's POV*
I just sat there.
Staring at the three dots, moving as he replies.
Maybe he is right?

- Back to Instagram -
I get it, thanks
I didn't mean it like that..
It's okay.
I forgive you
I'm coming over, don't move please
y/n please.
I know.
*y/n's POV*
I didn't know.
He was right. I don't belong here. Why was I put here? Out of all the cells in their body's, why this one. Someone tell me please. I was sobbing. Someone I loved and still do told me.. I don't belong on this planet, and unfortunately... I agree.

*Chris's POV*
(a/n: no hate towards Matt and Nick, just for the plot yk? ^^)

I hate myself. Why did I say that. I KNOW how important she takes these words.

"Matt! Please drive me to y/n's house, it's urgent please!" I yelled to Matt while my eyes start watering

"Are you kidding me?"
Nick and Matt yelled.

"No, you told me what she has done, and she needs to deal with it, like you said, she deserves it" Matt replied calmly.

"Matt please... I told her something I shouldn't have."

"You talked to her? What did she ask to apologize and beg for you back?" Matt laughed.
"She clearly is just using you, just like you said. I'm not driving you to some place dangerous, who knows she could kill you." Matt said in a more serious tone, Nick agreeing.

"Or maybe she could've killed herself, just this once please."

"I'll think about it with Nick."

"Matt you don't understand I cannot wait any longer she could be gone for all I know!"

"He said he will think about Chris, what don't you understand! Just call her or something, because nobody gives a FUCK about a petty, rude, selfish bitch like her. I know we were best friends, and as much as I still love her, it's family before friends, understand that."

Tears were pouring from my face, I listened to Nick and called her... multiple times.

*y/n's POV*
I cried, screamed, everything I could. I stopped my self-harm 3 years ago, when me and Chris started dating. 3 years of me being clean, gone to waste.
I promised him I would NEVER do it again. I was always on the verge of suicide.
Maybe this was my time.

⚠️TW: Self-harm, suicide, hospitals, very descriptive⚠️

I ran to my bathroom, rolled up my sleeve, and saw small, thin scars from 3 years ago.
Chris took all my blades away, but I always had a way of finding a new one, I just never used it. Because I promised. I did.

There was 1
Then 2
Then 3
I couldn't stop.
I wouldn't stop in one spot until I saw a thick red liquid coming out my cut.
I stained 4 tiles in my bathroom, and I didn't stop.
I felt so dizzy.
I heard my phone ring on and on.
I lost so much blood.
I stopped crying.
I stoped breathing.
My eyes stopped blinking.
I sat there.
On my bathroom floor.
Blood smudged everywhere.
Regretting everything.
I wanted to live.
I never wanted to kill myself, I just wanted to cause some harm.
I never wanted it to end this way.

*Chris's POV*
I fucked up.
She isn't answering me.
She's still active on instagram.
"Fuck!" I yelled.
I don't want to be known as someone who caused a 20 year old girls suicide.
Not for my reputation, but because I still love her.
I just wanted to get over her.

I'm not even gonna lie... I don't think there was a good reason for me to breakup with her.
I was so mad at her, I wanted to ruin her life, not take it away.
I told my brothers she cheated on me, just because I was so angry. It wasn't true at all.
I broke up with her because she was annoying, sometimes in a good way, but that day just really pissed me off.

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