1. Percy On A Train

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For a twelve year old, Percy felt ancient. He had barely had time between learning about his dad and an owl flying into his apartment.

At first, he had thought Athena was trying to kill him. After the summer he had, it wouldn't have been surprising. But instead, it was a letter. He's a wizard (Yay, said no one).

Sally actually hadn't known about this. Working under the assumption that he was just extremely unlucky, he took it in stride. So now he was on a train, in a country he didn't know much about, trying not to scream at The Fates.

They had to use some of the Gabe money to get him here and buy his stuff. Percy was just glad there was still enough left after for his mom to do everything she had wanted to. That was the hardest part of all this, leaving his mom.

He was pulled out of his self pitying thoughts by laughter outside the door to his compartment. A moment later a snooty looking kid stepped in, followed by two larger ones. They all looked to be around his age. Percy was going to say hi when the first kid spoke.

"Who are you?" The tone he used immediately set Percy on edge. He knew that voice. How people who spoke like that truly believed they were superior in some way.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?" The boy looked quite taken aback by this. Instead of firing another remark of his own, he instead surprised Percy.

"You don't sound like you're from around here? Are you perhaps from one of the schools across the pond?" He sat now, waiting on Percy's answer.

"Nope, first Wizarding school I'm going to. I am from America, though. If that's what you mean." The boy nodded and held out his hand.

"Draco Malfoy. I don't usually associate with mudbloods but-"

"What?" Percy was confused at the term, but could tell it was meant to be insulting. He pushed the offered hand away. Draco looked offended as he pulled it back to himself.

"Mudblood. Someone who wasn't born into a wizard family. Are you not one?" Percy took a deep breath, reminding himself he couldn't get kicked out before he even got there, and ground his teeth.

"I'm not from a Wizarding family, but that doesn't mean I'm any less than you, Malfoy. And if you don't want someone to smash your teeth in, you probably shouldn't be going around saying that." Percy didn't really care if Draco got hit. He actually thought it might be deserved if he always behaved like this.

Draco and his friends (who had not introduced themselves) stayed silent for a moment. Percy waited, arms crossed. He was invited to this school like everyone else here, and he was going to try. If only so he could say he had.

"I mean you are, aren't you? My father says-"

"I don't care."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't care, what your father says, Malfoy. I'm not from around here, I don't even know who your father is. And even if I did, I still wouldn't."


"Do you really go around thinking other people are below you? Are all wizards like this, or is there just something wrong with your family?" Percy bit his tongue before he went further. He wants to go to this school. He shouldn't make the son of someone who is, apparently, very powerful, angry.

"I never-"

With a sigh, Percy pushed his hair away from his eyes and met Draco's. "Look, dude, I'm just giving you a heads up. People aren't going to want to be friends with you if you act like that. Not for good reasons anyway. So maybe think about that for a bit."

Percy went back to looking out the windows after that, ignoring the muttering from across the compartment. He wanted to go back home.


The ride was smoother from there, until another kid came looking for his frog and Percy decided to help him, needing to do something.

"Any idea where he might have hopped off to?" Percy asked, looking under a food cart they had stopped at.

"No. He was in my pocket one second and gone the next," Neville, who had given Percy his name only after they'd been looking for about fifteen minutes, said. He sounded like he might cry. Percy stood up, patting him on the back a little.

"We'll find the little guy. Don't worry about."

It was then that a girl their age popped out of one of the compartments near them, asking about what was going on. Neville explained, and she happily joined the hunt.

Hermione, she was much quicker to introduce herself, and Percy stopped at all the compartments, asking for Neville, who was a bit shy.

It was at one of these that both Neville and Hermione paused at. Percy didn't get why they were so shocked to see this 'Harry' guy. No one seemed particularly interested in explaining either. He rolled his eyes and continued to look, eventually finding him hiding behind a bathroom door. He carefully picked him up and carried him back to Neville. 

He was a bit surprised to find Draco there, seemingly picking a fight. He frowned and walked a bit quicker.

"Neville, this him?" He inserted himself between the blond and the guy with glasses (This one was Harry, right?).

"Yes! Thank you, Percy!" He took his pet back, thanking Hermione and saying bye as he moved past them. Percy promised to meet back up in a moment, and then turned back to the argument he'd interrupted.

Looking at Draco he frowned, turning his back on who he thinks is Harry. "I leave for five minutes and you're picking fights? Did nothing I say get through to you?"

"You've been gone for nearly an hour, Jackson," Draco sneers, but doesn't make eye contact. Rolling his eyes, he looks at the glasses kid now.

"I'll be taking his highness back with me, sorry about that." Percy said before dragging Draco back down the hall. Surprisingly, he didn't fight it. Almost as if he knew he shouldn't have done what he did.

Though Percy didn't actually know what was said, but it was fine. He wasn't sure why he wanted to help this guy out anyway. They didn't even really know each other.


Percy found their compartment empty, Draco's friends having left at some point. He sat down, gesturing for the other boy to join him.

"I didn't-" Percy cut him off, waving his hand as if it didn't matter.

"Don't care. Can you fill me in on what I'm about to walk into? I'm sick of surprises."

"Oh. Has no one informed you of the Sorting?"

"No. I haven't been told much."

So Draco told him. He was sure some of the stuff, especially about the houses, were colored by his worldview, but he still listened, trying to remember what he could. 

Draco talked until the train was coming to a stop, and they had to get off. Percy positioned himself so he could see him and the person lined up in front of him.

"Thanks, dude."

"You're quite welcome," He paused after that, just for a moment before holding his hand out to Percy again. "I'm sorry for how I behaved. I'd like it if we could be... you know..."

"Friends?" Percy asked. Draco nodded. He chuckled a bit and took the other boys hand. "We'll see how it goes. But for now, that's fine with me."

This earned him a very small, genuine smile. Percy returned it with a bigger one of his own.

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