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~ You belong with me
by Taylor swift

Chavi's pov:
"Ms. Verma, please get the patient in room 23's incharge ready." I told her feeling exhausted after working for last 8 hours continuously.
"Fine! I'll do it. But you should get some rest. You look tired. " She suggested me.
I nodded my head in response and continued my work. She left my cabin after that.
‌Oh! Well I forgot to introduce myself to you. I'm dr. Chavi Singh Parihar. I'm a cardiologist working in Rajasthan. This is my first week working here. I really wanted to go and see the city but you see I'm stuck here in hospital. But it's fine as I'm almost done with my work for today and I have a holiday tomorrow so i can go early home today, have a good nap and then I can go see the city tomorrow.
‌I was brought out of my thinking session when someone barged in my room without even caring to knock on it.
‌"Bitch, you are finally here. I missed you so much. " She came and hugged me. Well this is my best friend Arya Malhotra and she is a huge crack head. I sometime don't even understand how she became C.O.O of a multi billionaire company. Well I already know the answer. She belongs from one of the richest families in India. Her father Abhinav Malhotra have worked hard and built a name for Malhotra industries and now she is the one handling their business beside her brother and taken Malhotra industries to new heights. Let me tell you a secret she is also Princess of second largest mafia group of India. Her great grandfather was the one who had built a name in the underworld and the empire was passed down to her father and now to her. Her brother is the one ruling the Malhotra kingdom.
‌"where are you lost girl?" She asked snapping her fingers in front of my face.
‌"what are you doing here? Don't you have work? I don't understand how you handle such a vast empire when you don't even work at all. " I said with a roll of my eyes.
‌I will die before I tell her this but it's good to have her and I'm honestly lucky to have her in my life.
‌"This is how you talk with me. When we are seeing each other after 5 months. Really Chavi." She said with a duh tone. She went and sat on the sofa placed in corner of my office while opening the chips packet placed on the table.
‌I got up and went to change my clothes in the restroom in my office, as my shift had ended one hour ago but still I thought of finishing my work before leaving. It's been four days since I came to Rajasthan and I haven't went to see uncle and massi. They are gonna be angry with me for sure. So, now my plan of going back home and having a good nap will have to take a backseat. They treat me as if i'm their real daughter.
‌I came back wearing a baby blue colored shirt with black trouser. I was wearing white sneakers.
‌"Let's go." I told her while picking my bag and car keys.
‌"You know you are in huge trouble. Mom is really angry with you. You first rejected the proposal of staying with us and then you didn't even came to see us. " She told me with a smirk.
Ignoring her I walked out of my cabin.

‌We both left the hospital and came to parking area where my Range Rover was parked and beside it, was a G-Wagon standing which obviously belong the princess beside me.
‌" We go in my car. My guard will bring your car." She said taking the car keys from me and passing them to one of her guard.
‌"You going to drive or should I? Because we gotta reach back at mansion in 20minutes. " She asked me.
‌I gave her evil smile. Well I think we are going to have some fun then.
We both buckled up our seatbelt and I drove out of parking lot.
As soon as we reached the highway. There was a car passing beside us. There were 5 boys in the car who were blasting there car with loud music. They seemed to be drunk.
Suddenly they started to overtake us while booing on us for driving slowly.
I didn't pay any heed to their nonsense bullshit neither did arya. We both continued our talks.
As we entered the city area we stopped at red light when again the same car stopped beside us.
One of them rolled down the window glass.
'What do you say about race guys? ' one sitting in the front seat said.
We both ignored them again because they seemed to high on alcohol and drugs maybe. But then they said something which hurt our female ego, I'm not a feminists but if you talk about girls being weak then. I'll show you how much of helpless we girls are. even after knowing that they were trying to provoke us, I thought of having race with them. I know we can get in lot of trouble but who cares when mafia princess and a well... let's leave my part; when personalities like me and arya were in car.
'It's alright boys afterall, all girls are same. Afraid to lose.' One sitting in the back seat said.
This was supposed to be last nail in the coffin.
I turned my car window down and said looking at them,
'Let's see you win then, but what will we get if we win?' Is asked them with a smirk.
They laughed at my question as if for them, us winning would be a joke.
Well let them believe whatever they want.
'it's really delusional of you to think that you will from us but it's okay. If you win we will give you this car and if we win then you both will spend night with us.' One driving the car said with a lustful look at us both.
I cringed internally at him. But almost all boys are like this.
I nodded my head at his demand.
'Then we will race till beach. Whoever reachs the beach first will win.' The one driving the car said.
I rolled the window of my car back.
As the signal turned green I saw their car racing down the road to beach.
I started my engine and turned to other road toward arya's home.

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