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Randhir's pov:
"If I were you I wouldn't pull a stunt like this, Mr. Ahuja."

"But that's the difference between you and me I'm not reckless. I didn't become the king of underworld by doing nothing."

"Stop speaking bullshit! You are at my mercy!" He shouted.

I hate unnecessay noise pollution. Why scream when you can talk.
"Am I?" I asked with a smirk.

He finally pulled the trigger of his gun.

But no gun shot was heard. His expression shifted to confused and then to realisation.

None of the other men in the room moved they all know I would have definitely planned something beforehand.

Which I had and that's to make the end of his pathetic life.

He tried to shoot me multiple times in a hope to kill me but all went in vain. No shot was heard.

I had already asked Mark to remove the bullets from his gun. I could've taken the gun from him but where does the fun lies in it.

I wanted to give him hope, as hope is really dangerous. It can make one survive through hell but if lost then that disappear can be too much for weak soul like him.

And I gave him the same hope, that he can save himself only to know that his death reaper has already arrived.

His face had lost all of it colour. He became utterly pale.

"You know I can end this pathetic excuse of your life in a second!" I said looking at his chest which had red lazer dot right at the position of his heart.

By now he had finally understood what he has done. His face had the expression of pure terror. He knows that I can snatch his life from him with just a single bullet. But that will be too merciful for him.

He should have known that he had signed his death warrant when he betrayed me.

"Please! Please! Leave me! I promise I'll never do anything like this again! Please leave me!" his pathetic cries reached my ear.

He was shaking from head to toe. He didn't try to escape as he was rooted to ground in pure terror and even if he had tried to it would've been futile. He won't be able to escape from this building alive.

"You should have thought about all this before betraying me. You lied to me about yourself. You were warned that I hate those pathetic losers who can't respect womens but you didn't follow that rule either. You did everything that I hate."

"It's not only about me but you tried to hurt my family. And I can't forgive you for that. You have already destroyed so many lives. But I won't let you destroy any more."

I finally got up from my place while removing my blazer, watch and rolling my shirt sleeves upto my elbow.

I'm going to make him beg for his death. Today even the devil will come to see my personal hell.

(Trigger Warning: Mention of voilence)

Third person pov:
A man was tied to the chair all bloodied up. His face was barely recognisable with all the beating he took.

A camera was placed in the corner of room which was connected to the meeting hall showing everyone the live show.

The man who was being tortured was Mr. Ahuja and his tormentor was none other than Randhir Singh Chouhan.

Walking toward the table placed at one end, Randhir picked a scalpel and a bottle and walked back to him.

"You thought you will escape me. After trying to hurt my family!" Randhir whispered.

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