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Paintbrush quickly jabbed the firepoker into Knife's side, causing the wound to spurt out a bunch of that same red "blood." Knife let out a shriek from the pain, his hands retracting from the art utensil's neck. He doubled over as he groaned in pain, still holding onto his bleeding wound. Paintbrush quickly scrambled upwards and obtained their weapon again, grasping the cold metal tightly in their hands. Knife simply chuckled and slowly began to rise, stumbling in place almost like a zombie. Blood ran between his teeth, dribbling down his lip sloppily. "You're such a fucking DUMBASS...! YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU KILL ME?! Hah...hahah...I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!!" Knife suddenly dashed at Paintbrush, prompting them to swiftly block the attack with their firepoker. A loud clang filled the room as Knife swung his blade head at Paintbrush.

"Knife, come on!" Paintbrush said in-between the blocked attacks, "Don't you remember Team Epic?! You said I'd come in handy! Right?!"

"You expect me to believe that BULLSHIT?!"

Knife thrusted himself forward at Paintbrush, practically knocking them backwards again. Their  bristles lightly brushed against the stone of the fireplace, warm sparks suddenly landing on their face. Thankfully, they were at a distance where they wouldn't get caught in the blaze. They could hear Knife approaching them from behind, lifting up his foot to snap Paintbrush's neck along the edge of the fireplace. They were able to move out of the way last minute, as Knife not only missed, but got his head stuck in the stone wall of the chimney. He grunted as he tried to pry his blade out of the wall, gritting his blood-stained teeth all the while. Every passing moment, Paintbrush's temper slowly got worse and worse. A bit of smoke could be seen whifting from their bristles if one was able to look hard enough. But they knew they had to keep their cool. This was Knife they were fighting.

This was Knife.

They had to save him.

They had to save...everyone.

Paintbrush slowly approached Knife, fire poker in hand. They pointed the blade upwards towards the X in Knife's chest. "I'm sorry, Knife..." they mumbled, before lunging the sharp object right through Knife's handle, pulling the now blood stained object out quickly and forcefully. The kitchen knife didn't scream upon the impact, but it was enough to get his head out of the wall. His hand trailed down slowly to the wound as blood dribbled down his legs and onto the hardwood floor.

Then, he laughed again.


He lunged at Paintbrush, shoving them into the ground for the third time. His hands dug into Paintbrush's neck again, his nails hurrying slowly into the wood, causing cracks to form. Paintbrush held back a series of screams as Knife dug his fingers into the sides of their handle. Yet, they knew this had to end.

This had to end.





Paintbrush screamed, lunging the fire-poker into Knife's handle, right where his throat would've been.

Knife just let out a "GLK" as the blade pierced through.

Paintbrush laid back, staring up at the utensil before them. The utensil they called a friend.

A utensil...they just saved.



Paintbrush pried the fire poker out, resulting in a geyser of blood to flow out of the wound. Knife let out one final gasp, before collapsing into the ground next to them, the wheel around his neck leaning his body upward a bit. Paintbrush just panted on the ground, looking over at Knife's now long gone face. Eyes slightly lidded, a small frown which dribbled blood every now and then. They looked at the fire poker in their hands, holding it up towards the ceiling to get a better view of it.

"I can't do it yet...I can't..." they mumbled.




"GAH!!" Knife yelled when he appeared back in the living room, Mephone standing next to him with the Melife app opened up. "KNIFE!" Microphone yelled with a smile in her face upon seeing the utensil, but she quickly calmed down "I mean. Uhh...Knife..." She chuckled.

"Welcome back..." Suitcase said with a smile.

"Welcome back? Did I go anywhere?" Knife asked, scratching the back of his blade head.

"There's...a lot we have to explain." Baseball said as he leaned against the couch next to Suitcase, "We're just glad to have you back..."

"Uh, well...thanks...I guess..." Knife said, crossing his arms. He looked down for a moment as if he were deep in thought, "So, still in the game room?"



"Oh...I...fell asleep again..."

"I should...really take a break..."

"...Yeah...a break..."


Amnesia: The Painter's Prison [An OSC AU]Where stories live. Discover now