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I honestly didnt plan on writing a swayman story but here I am simping for yet another goalie lol what can I say they're hot weirdos, hope you enjoy!

The start

"Jaaaaaaasaas are you ready?" My mom shouts coming into my hotel room. I close my eyes then open them slowly "I'm almost done just putting my earrings in" I answer.

She pops her head in "great your dads a nervous wreck in our room" she says. "Hes not the one that could be getting drafted in the very first year of the professional women's league" I reply coming out of the hotel bathroom.

Once I've gotten my heels on my mom and I go next door to her and my dads room. "Theres my little girl" he says standing up and hugging me tightly. "Can you let me go" I say feeling suffocated. "You ready?" My mom asks for the hundredth time.

I nod and so does my dad then we walk down to the lobby. When we get down there I see a familiar figure standing and talking to my best friend eloise who is also potentially getting drafted today.

She is a defensemen for Boston college and one of my roommates. I however was the starting goalie for boston college and we're both hoping to be staying here in boston.

When we get closer I realize who it is and I hug him from behind. "There is the other women of the hour jas" he says patting my hands. I giggle and look at him "hi Z I've missed you" I reply. He turns around and hugs me properly "I've missed you too jj" he whispers.

"Okaaay Jj, zegras we've gotta go" eloise tells us. We pull apart and we follow my parents and best friend out. "How's Anaheim?" I ask feeling envious that he's already playing professionally. "Good, although I did have an injury again" he answers.

After scolding him we get in the car and we quickly arrive at the arena for the professional women hockey league draft. It is its first year and I'm both excited to be playing professionally and I'm also nervous.

My parents, two best friends and I get into the arena, eloise and I are quickly thrown into doing some media interviews while my parents and Eloise's parents and trevor are getting to the seats.

Honestly I kinda blackout during the whole thing then eloise and I go and find our parents and sit with them until the draft starts. "So who'd you have the best interview with?" Trevor asks me. "Mm probably boston and New York" I answer.

"If you get either one I'd be happy since I can visit when I'm on the road" he says. I roll my eyes and smile "trev you can visit me at any of the cities" I remind him. "Yea but Boston and new York are better" he says.

I laugh and shake my head "you're something else zegras" I reply. He chuckles "love ya too jj" he jokes. I shake my head and sit back watching as the cameras show all the draftees.

When it gets to me everyone sees trevor sitting beside me. Everyone except my teammates that could be drafted and my parents are surprised that trevor is here. I'm sure everyone at home is shocked as well.

The draft starts and Minnesota goes first, neither of us are picked which is okay with us. Ottawa goes next and I honestly blackout until they get to Boston who is last to draft for the first round. The manager and coaches stand up on stage looking proud.

"Pwhl boston would like to welcome the goaltender from boston college and team usa and Boston's very own jasmine james!" The manager announces. My jaw drops. I did not expect to be chosen first round by them.

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