3. Drug dealing

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-----Porsche's pov-----

Pete and I were in the cub now. Purple and red lighting everywhere... A big dancing floor in the middle, bar at one side of the room and stairs leading to upstairs at the opposite side... I think there are private rooms and VIP rooms upstairs

"Woah!" I exclaimed "This is what a club looks like?!Are you sure this is 18+ and not 21+?!" 

"Of course" Pete said with a sly smirk "You have so much more to explore"

We started exploring the club, well only me... Pete already knows everything around here, he was just giving me a tour. After exploring, we sat by the bar... I never tried alcohol before so I decided to stick to non-alcoholic drinks while Pete was drinking alcoholic drinks... As tempting as it looked, what if I get in trouble later if I get drunk and return home drunk. I wanted to dance too so I dragged Pete to dance with me. We danced till we both got sweaty, Pete didn't seem to mind but I hated feeling sticky so I excused myself to the washroom

I suppose the washrooms are upstairs since I couldn't find any downstairs... I was about to walk up the stairs when an uncle called me

"Hey kiddo!"

"Uh yes? May I help you?"

"Yes... Actually I have something to give to my friends but I can't go now since my wife is calling me to come back home. Would you mind delivering it for me?"

"I wouldn't mind. You shouldn't get your wife angry. Give it to me and tell me where your friend is" That uncle handed me a box, he told me that his friends are in room no 101 and when I meet them, I should say that I'm sent by kbg which is his name's short form so I started looking for room 101

-----No one's pov-----

That guy who was still downstairs smirked "Kiddo... Your parents never taught you to never talk to random strangers? I should get out of here and save myself before the police get here!" That guy walked out of the bar as fast as he could. Another guy was sitting nearby, smirking while watching it

"Khun Kinn, why are you smirking? Does this interest you?" Big asked politely with confusion

"The naivety of the boy interests me... That boy is kinda cute, don't you think?" Kinn asked, his voice sounded as if he had a plan up his sleeves

Big couldn't help but wonder what this devil was planning now... Whatever he was planning, it wasn't gonna go that well for Porsche because of course... Kinn is known as the devil in the mafia world and everywhere... He's so powerful that even the police are scared of him

-----Porsche's pov-----

I finally found room 101, I knocked on the door and I heard a voice say 'Come in' so I stepped inside

"A stranger told me to deliver this to you since his wife is calling him back home... His name was kbg or something" I placed the packet on the table, the other men in the room looked at me then the packet. They checked the packet and something was inside the packet which made them grin in happiness but just when I was about to leave, police barged in the room

"Hands up! You all are under arrest!" I heard one of the police say while pointing a gun at all of us and my face turned pale... What is happening?! Before I could even react, my hands were handcuffed behind my back and we all were dragged downstairs. There was commotion all around the bar, everyone was shocked... Especially when they saw me being arrested as I looked too innocent and young to do something bad. I wasn't able to protest so I just looked down, hoping no one would recognize that I'm Porsche, the guy who lives above 3 minutes away from this bar... I peeked to see if Pete was there but he was wasted, drunk and sleeping peacefully by the bar... I couldn't even approach him or else the police will think Pete is involved too

We were all in the police station, getting interrogated. They started asking me questions about who I am but I could only utter one sentence

"W-Why am I here?" I asked in a scared and confused tone... Even if I haven't done anything bad in my entire life, well till now cause I definitely did something bad now so even if I didn't do anything bad in the past, I'd always get scared while coming against the police or military... It scares the heck outta me, like what if I say a joke which gets me in trouble or what if they read my mind and I get in trouble... It scares me

"You know what you did. You are involved in drug dealing... You delivered drugs to gyu gang from the kbg gang..." One of the police men said which shocked me... Wait so the things I delivered were drugs?! No way...! That means this is something serious! I can't let words get to my parents

"Please! I didn't know they were drugs! An uncle told me that he has to give that packet to his friends but his wife is calling him back home and she'll get angry if he doesn't go home soon! I didn't want his love life to have problems so I decided to deliver it" I told them the whole story to defend myself but it didn't seem to work as the police were unhinged by my story

"Do you have proof?" One of the police men asked "We need solid proof"

"CCTV footage?" I asked hopefully

"They were destroyed" The same police man said

I was about to say something when a man entered the police station. The police men's eyes widened and a glint of fear was visible in their eyes, they immediately bowed to that person... I was confused.. Who is that man? Why is everyone scared of him?

"Release this young boy... He did nothing" I heard that man say... His voice is very deep, he has black hair, dark brown eyes, a muscular body and he is tall with a height of probably around 6'0... His eyes are sharp, his face shows no emotions and he was wearing a red suit which looked more attractive on this already attractive man

"But Mr. Theerapanyakul, he-" One of the police men tried to say with a shaky voice while trying to sound stern but he was cut off by this Mr. Theerapanyakul

"I was the witness. He was deceived and fooled" That man said again with his deep voice... Shit, his deep voice is sending goosebumps throughout my whole body

The police men nodded and bowed in reply and then in a second, I was released. I walked outside the police station with Mr. Theerapanyakul and I slightly bowed

"Thank you for saving me, uncle" I said politely

"Don't thank me... I never do anything for free" That man said, his deep voice dripping with manipulation and coldness

"O-Oh. What can I do for you in return?" I asked while pursuing my lips and waiting for that man's answer... He stayed quiet for a second, as if thinking

"Go out on 4 dates with me this month... 1 date each Saturday" That man said which made my eyes widen in shock

-----End of the chapter-----

I hope y'all liked this chapter, if you did then make sure to vote and comment... It motivates me to write more ❤️ Happy reading~ Byeee

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