Love Will Prevail For Her

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Hey ya'll,how's it going, a year or two ago I watched the Animè called "Osamake : Romcom Where The Childhood Friend Won't Lose",I am disappointed by how it ended since the main character doesn't choose a girl and since there probably won't be a second season to have there be a conclusion so I have decided to write a fanfiction where he chooses the girl I think suits him the best.

It was a cold day,it was snowing so Maru was inside his house on his bed,it was the holidays so that meant no school and Maru was greatful for that,he did not like the cold so he was very glad that he could stay curled up under his blankets,he was thinking about the girls in his life,first there was Kuroha Shida,his childhood friend who has on multiple occasions declared that she loved him.

Then there was Shirokusa Kachi,his first love,he didn't know where they stood romantically but he did know that first love is like a poison eating away at you from the inside,he did know that she was way out of his league just like Kuroha,in fact Shiro,Kuroha and Momosaka were all out of his league tho Shirokusa was very straightforward even sitting on his lap at the beach at one point in time.

Third was Momosaka Maria,she was petite and very honest with her feelings, declaring herself and Maru himself a future couple,while he appreciates her honesty he doesn't know if he liked her that way,back to Kuroha,this childhood girlfriend thing she proposed was a genius idea he thought,a way for them to be closer without being a couple, he loves her too,he heard someone at his door.


He opened the door and who was there?

"Kuro? What are you doing here? shouldn't you be relaxing in your warm bed like I am in mine? You should come in,it's cold."

Maru started with a series of questions meant to convey his surprise,then he surprised himself with his suggestion.

"I would very much like to come in yeah first of all and second of all I wanted to see you,don't forget how I feel about you."

Kuroha replied easily like it was the most easy thing in the world,she was there for a reason tho,she'd get her time with him.

"Come on in then,make yourself comfortable,wouldn't want you standing outside in the cold,that'd be pretty bad."

He said,he really didn't want her freezing on his doorstep,he did love her after all and wanted what was best for her.

"Don't mind if I do,I wouldn't want to become a popsicle,I don't want to get sick on your account,thanks for inviting me in."

She said,she didn't want to catch a cold,a runny nose is no joke,she made herself comfortable at his living room table.

"I have a feeling you didn't want to see me for no reason,so I'll make you tea then you can explain yourself to me in detail."

He said,he was not going to beat around the bush here,he made the tea and five minutes later they both sat with a cup.

"Well,you are right,I was thinking,we could go out for a bit,with just the two of us,nobody else,I suggest you get warm."

She said herself also not wanting to beat around the bush,she wanted to show Maru the time of his life for the day.

"Well,suppose that wouldn't be a bad idea, I need to get out sometime or another,let me get a jacket,you should go get yours."

They finished their tea pretty quickly,Maru went to get his jacket,Kuroha went home and did the same and then came back.

"Well then let's go then shall we? first I want to take you to a movie and then we'll go eat and go to the arcade afterwards."

She said not wasting time,she wanted their time out to start already and to make the most of it before someone interferes.


Kuroha was happy that their day started off without a hitch and hoped that it would stay that way,she didn't want Momosaka Maria or Shirokusa Kachi to make another move first,she absolutely wouldn't allow it,they had made too many first moves already,tho if she was honest Momosaka Maria wasn't much of a threat to her but Kachi definitely was being Maru's first love and all.

She wasn't gonna let that deter her tho, she knows Maru better than her rival does and will do about everything in her power to make sure that Maru had a good day today and to make sure that he was going to fall straight into her arms and not into those of her rival,she had the day perfectly planned out,she had already given him the rundown of what they were going to do that day,it'd be great.

They went to watch what was deemed a romcom,it was about a guy and a girl who went on a misadventure where everything went wrong but in a funny way,afterwards Maru and Kuroha went to eat out,Maru ordered a combo with fried chicken,toast, and a russian and Fries while Kuroha ordered a burger and some soft fries as well as a salad,in ten minutes their orders were brought to their table.

"Thank you for the food."

They both said at the same time as Japanese people often do before they eat the food placed in front of them.

"So what did you think of the movie Maru?I happened to think it was really funny how everything happened."

Kuroha asked,she really enjoyed the movie and laughed a lot during it,she had so much fun,she knew he had too.

"Well,I also thought it was very funny,I laughed along with you after all,I enjoyed it,thanks for taking me to see it."

Maru said with a smile on his face,he really did have a fun time watching it and enjoyed his date's laughter as well.

"I am glad that you actually enjoyed it then,I was pleasantly surprised you enjoyed it,I am glad."

She said,they then went quiet to enjoy their food before it got cold,they didn't want cold food.


After eating their food they went to one of the local arcades to play games,after a few hours they went back to Maru's place.

"What a day that was,I never thought I'd enjoy a day out so much,it was because of the fact the one I love was with me."

Kuroha said,she really enjoyed the time out together with her beloved,she had something she wanted to do tho.

"I've given it a lot of thought today while we were out and I think I want us to try being a couple because I love you too."

Maru said,he really did love her and wanted to be with her and had no objections when she kissed him.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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