Chapter 8: Everybody hates Tests

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Elyza was walking through the forest she grew up in. The trees were covered with moss, giving out an ethereal and unnatural green glow as the few rays of the sun that got through the cover of leaves struck them. She relished the crunch of the leaves under her with each step. Elyza felt at peace for the first time in a while.

Then the ground started to shake, lasting for a short while. Though accustomed to the occasional tremors in the vicinity of the forest, something about this one felt off. The shaking came back, unnaturally stronger this time, refusing to end. The ground, once stable beneath her feet, started to splinter, as if the very foundation of the planet was unravelling. Her body seized up, as the ground cracked open, and the once familiar terrain transformed into a chaotic maw, consuming her whole.

She woke up in Alex's guest room, her sweat soaked into the bed, which seemed to be gently swaying side to side. But her still slumbering mind thought that the dream was coming true, so she burst out into the hallway, trying to get out of the house before it became her coffin. As she rushed toward the door, she entered the combined kitchen and living room to find Alex calmly seated, sipping from a cup. The sight of him, calm in such a situation, sent enough of a shock to her system for her mind to wake up. The wood under her feet was solid, unmoving. There was no earthquake.

Alex had spent the better part of the night visiting all the friends and acquaintances he knew, 'borrowing' an assortment of items essential for Elyza's training. All the furniture pushed to the periphery, an array of spears, axes, and intricate mechanisms scattered haphazardly. The dining table was stacked with columns of books, some from the house's own library, some from Alex's personal collection, some stolen from various institutions. The cumulative effect of multiple trips and frequent teleportation left Alex physically drained. As he completed his preparations, the first light of dawn began to paint the sky in shades of blue. So, he instructed the house to wake up its guest, brewing some tea to relax himself in the meantime.

As soon as he sat down with a cup, Elyza ran into the room, panic evident on her face. They both looked at each other and after a moment, her demeanour shifted back to normal, realising where she was. Knowing the reason for her behaviour, Alex chose to not acknowledge it, greeting her normally, "You're finally awake. Would you like a cup of tea before we begin?" Gesturing towards the mess in front of him

Elyza cleared her throat, trying to get the early morning gruff out of her voice, before replying, "Yes, I would like that."

Motioning with the cup towards her room, Alex continued, "Good. Do you want to change into fresher clothes while I pour you one?"

"I do not own any other apparels." Elyza confessed.

Sighing in response, Alex, uncertain of how to elaborate, cryptically said, "Just check inside the cupboard."

Elyza followed his words into her room, opening the cupboard facing the foot of the bed. As she opened its doors, she was met with rows of clothes, ranging from vibrant multicoloured cloaks to more subdued gray-scale undergarments. A peculiar stack in the corner caught her attention, seemingly comprised of the clothes she was currently wearing. Elyza tossed most of the clothes onto the bed, uncertain about which ones would fit. However, as she tried them on, she noticed something unusual – every piece fit perfectly. Feeling uneasy about the precise fit, she decided to choose the stack from the corner and returned to the living room.

As soon as she entered, Alex handed her a mug of steaming liquid and pushed her into the centre of the room. Elyza took notice of the surrounding chaos, marvelling at the mass of weapons and books strewn about. Taking a sip of the jasmine-scented tea, she asked, "What is all this?"

"Those books over there," Alex pointed towards the table, "are your study materials for the next six months." He gestured to the row of weapons on the ground, "These weapons are what you'll be using to spar with me. And finally, the items behind you are designed to help you discover your limits," pointing towards the pile of machines, artefacts, and slabs behind her."And what you're currently standing in is a circle designed to measure your affinities. So, gulp down that mug and let's get to work."

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