How To Make A Murderer

23 11 1

Book: How To Survive a Mudder

Author: xtaviavalx


I really appreciated your cover. The bold nature of the title on it immediately draws the readers attention and it is quite an intriguing title. The blurb was everything that should be associated with captivating. Not too detail enough and that is good because it boost the readers desire to read.

The story plot begins well. You directly bring us to Selina involving herself in the competition and her little past with penny. However I really appreciated the story as from chapter two that is Caleb's pov. The way you described his feelings for Jeremy made us actually feel the hate he had for him. The confrontation between penny and Selina and especially when everyone understood the real purpose of the competition. The flow and the interaction among characters were good. Personally I don't have anything to add to your story. The style, grammar, punctuation was good too and the cliff hanger at the end of chapter seven only boost my interest in the story.

Hope this helped and I will really appreciate if you took part in my award I'm hosting now. Please check it on my profile.

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