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mt. kong

haechan ran through the forest seeking for the missing girl who had token the pearl with her

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haechan ran through the forest seeking for the missing girl who had token the pearl with her. he stopped by the well feeling a weird aura coming around him "what the" he faced a demon who had hold power within it "fucking idiot" her tried to attack the demon but it hit him first.

the demon was surly powerful and he could notice that, that demon had swallowed something "get yeongseo we will try to hold it off!" haechan turned around seeing as sahwa and her guards had bow and arrows with them.

"you're telling me that she had left!" sahwa nodded "didn't she say that she was leaving? now go after her if you don't want this demon to cause trouble" haechan groaned and looked at the well "im going to kill her" and with that he jumped into the well.

a galaxy light was shown as he jumped inside the well. he had landed not knowing that the inside looked the same from when he first had jumped in, he used his nose to trace the scent of the girl "found her" he jumped out of the well and headed towards the house where the jung family was at.

he went through the door that was unlocked and entered to the dining table "haechan?" he made eye contact with the girl and growled "you! let's go and where's the pearl" haechan noticed that she had damped hair even though she had just token a bath over in his world.

she also was wearing a baggy shirt and a pair of sweats "who are you?" yeongseo mother stood infront of him touching his dog ears "weird lady stop touching me, i need your daughter" kira tugged onto haechan's hanbok, he looked down tilting his head "you're cute! i didn't think yeongseo would bring such a cute person."

haechan scoffed "im a half demon you brat" yeongseo pulled back her chair and now taking the male with her. dragging him out to her room and locking the door "what are you doing here" yeongseo crossed her arms in disbelief, she didn't think that he would've followed her home.

"where's the pearl" he asked. demanding for an answer from her "oh that... i kind of threw it other there" haechan facial expressions changed "are you stupid!? do you not know how many demons are willing to get that" yeongseo uncrossed her arms now scratching the back of her head "i didn't think it was that important" haechan sighed in anger.

"you're unbelievable, get ready we're going" yeongseo stopped the boy who was already getting ready to leave this world "get out of my way i'll be waiting for-" "i'm not going" her tone was stern and filled with annoyance.

"listen, you're the only one who can help me find this pearl since it came out of you now let's go" yeongseo laughed "so now you're using me?" haechan grabbed the girls wrist, pulling her close to him. so close that they had no space between them "i said get ready and let's go."

"no who are you to boss me around" yeongseo smacked his hit and took a step back "stop being a brat and let's go" haechan grabbed yeongseo, he carried her on his shoulders and left the girls room "i'll be taking her thank you very much" he grabbed a pair of shoes that looked like hers and exist out the house.

the girl was demanding him to let go but he didn't care. he ran towards the well and jumped inside it like how he got to her world, as soon as they got there arrows was being shot, almost hitting them but haechan was fast enough to avoid it.

"where's the demon go" the guards pointed up towards the mountain of kong "thanks" was all he said before making his way towards it. "put me down haechan!" haechan stopped his tracks and fell onto the floor, yeongseo stood up and immediately kicked the boy "are you stupid! you're such handle oh my gosh."

haechan stood up and grabbed her wrists, he stare deeply into her eyes and smirked. yeongseo could feel her tears coming as she didn't have self defense "just do me a favor" she jerked her wrist of his grip and quickly wipe her tears.

she turned around walking away "you don't know this mountain yeongseo" she didn't care, but she was surprised that he had called her by her name and not such stupid names like idiot or stupid. she walked up a steep hill not knowing where it would lead her.

haechan was left alone "i asked for a favor yeongseo!" he ran up the hill following where the girl had wonder off too. he quickly found her where she stood infront of a demon. she was almost attacked but a sword was being flung at it.

"it's there! the pearl" haechan was quick to attack the demon with his sharp claws. with the help of a sword they were able to defeat the powerful demon. "are you alright" a voice that both of them haven't heard before spoke. he stare at the girls face and smiled "im mark" she nodded in return, walking towards the cut up demon she picked up the pearl.

"no wonder it was powerful" mark stood next to her, she jumped a little when another figure pushed her behind him "were not working with any visitors" haechan and mark made deep eye contact. yeongseo smacked the half demon "say thank you" she pushed haechan away and slightly bow to the male.

"sahwa told me to follow along you two. i believe i'm suppose to give these two you?" mark held two sword. the sword of destruction and the sword of death, haechan gasped and quickly grabbed the swords. hugging them and giving them a kiss "my blades!" he scream my cried.

"but still we are not having a mere mortal like you to help us" yeongseo stepped infront of haechan and thanked mark one last time. "thank you."


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