Chapter 49 - Soul is Alive

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Omega shuffled around in the dirt as he opened his crusty eyes. He felt something sharp poke his chest as he got up, his back caked with dirt. A man waved a stick in his face, but Omega's vision was blurred. The man snapped his fingers in his face, and Omega noticed another man, the man from the house.

The bigger man spoke in his tongue, and the other translated.

"Are you dumb?" He asked sheepishly, "Get on the feet." The bigger man tapped Omega's chest with the stick.

Omega groaned as he got up, his half-open eyes dragged to the ground. His mind scrambled for thought, but it was fruitless. His body felt hollow and his arms hung in front of him.

"Come!" The translator patted him on the back as the big one turned and walked deeper into the forest. Omega's feet moved on his own and followed the big man. Eventually, they came to a stop. The big man turned to Omega and got in his face. He unsheathed an axe from his waist and murmured something.

"Make" The man grabbed Omega's wrist and held the axe above his hand. "No power."

Omega's hand drooped low as he dropped the axe. The man trudged past the bushes and walked away without looking back. The translator watched Omega pick the axe up and stand quietly in the shadow of the trees. His lips curled and let out a gasp as he reached into his deep pockets. His entire forearm disappeared and rummaged in his pants with all sorts of sounds. "Mmhmm!" He exclaimed as he dragged out a ball wrapped in aluminum foil and held it out to Omega.

"Cho...colt...colate. Sorry, hard"

Omega takes it in his hand and looks at the crumpled wrapper.

"Luck!" The translator ran away before Omega could look up—leaving him alone—surrounded by forest and the overwhelming smell of nature.

...Chocolate. I've never had it before. Omega sits down against a rough tree, shifting away from the light between the leaves. He tucked his legs into his chest and rested his head on his knees.

It stinks. Uyama really wanted to go to a forest. Why? The smell, the bugs, the noise—I don't see anything good here. It must have been some dream he didn't know anything about.

Omega sunk his head deeper into his legs and squeezed his dirty eyelids.

I'm so...moody. I don't get it, why can't I cry? Do I hate him? Enjō? Myself? Do I have nothing left?

...Oh, that's true. There's nothing left. I'm alone now.

The Next Morning

The bushes rustled as two shadows emerged from the distance as Omega slowly opened his eyes. His neck sore, he lifted his head off his knees and rested his head against the tree. The axe he was given was still clean.

The big man sat down in front of him, crossing his legs. His clothes were the same as yesterday's. Omega looked up at him and saw the translator standing playfully behind him.

"Lu...wa." The big man said, pointing to himself, then to the translator, "Pinter." Pinter nodded his head then started digging around in the dirt. Luwa pointed at Omega with a grunt.

Omega's eyes shot open, and his neck gained strength to stand. He stared at Luwa, unsure of what to say. His lips curled and knotted to open his mouth.


"Lanzs... Laune, Launes." Luwa repeated to himself before swatting the pronunciation away, "Hmph!" He pointed at the axe.

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