Arc 0: Chapter 3: Interrogation

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They made quite a sight.

Never in his life he thought he would get kidnapped by a walking burrito while being dragged like a rice sack, and as a cadet who constantly fights aliens and save sentient machinery with immense power for a living that's saying something.

Boboiboy change back a while ago and tried to use his powers again but every time he did Eraserhead would glare at him with flashing red eyes before his powers disappear. He panicked at first but realized it was just temporary, likely from Eraserhead's power doing. Ugh, how convenient.

Honestly, he has his doubts. He isn't sure if the guy dragging him is a pro hero, and he feels guilty about it but he can't help it when the guy look like he's prepared for his own funeral.

He wanted to ask if he could at least keep his organs in case Eraserhead wanted to sell them but his mouth has already been muffled by a cloth so he wouldn't know. His poor organs.

As he was crying about his ridiculous situation while being dragged on the pavement, they eventually stopped in front of the police station and he breathed a sigh as relief washed over him.

So he's not being (illegally) kidnapped, yay! But now he's really ashamed for doubting Eraserhead! So he mentally apologizes for doubting Eraserhead's claim.


He spoke too soon.

He was shifting on his seat while his hands fidgeted on the metal table in the middle of the dimly lit room. There's nothing much aside from the big one-way mirror on one of the plain walls, a single table, two chairs, and Eraserhead standing in the corner, menacingly. At least take off the sleeping bag!

In a fit of panic that he might get sold out he completely forgot about the fact he was taken because he committed a crime in the first place. He didn't even know just using powers was a crime-! Which now he thinks about it makes sense, since pretty much everyone has superpowers there has to be some regulation to it.

He internally banged his head for the late revelation. Well, even if he went back in time he would still do it again, discreetly of course!

His head lifted when the door swung open, revealing a man with short black hair wearing a formal suit and a short woman with antennas entering the room.

"Thanks for coming here." He was startled when Eraserhead's voice was right beside him, his yellow capsule discarded at the corner. "It's fine, Aizawa-san. I just finished a case near the area anyway and I was curious about the vigilante you caught." The man waved off before his eyes fleeted to him, "Ah. You must be Terbaik man! It's nice to finally meet you." the man politely bowed and Boboiboy tilted his head. 

{ "He's Tsukauchi Naomasa. He will be the one questioning you. You better answer them truthfully Terbaik man" } Eraserhead said flatly and Boboiboy cringed at the name. 

He stood up and awkwardly bowed back, { "Umm, nice to meet you! I will try my best to be honest!" } So please don't put him in jail, { "And my name is Boboiboy!" } So please don't call him that! He internally screamed his true intentions. 

Tsukauchi smiled, "It's nice to know your energetic but before that," he nodded towards the woman, "Saeko-san if you would please." 

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