
888 54 29

July 8, 2023

He clicked on the first file. It was a video. The video showed a room. At first, Mingi thought nothing of it and looked at the screen, bored. But when a person stepped into the picture, he got chills.

It was definitely Yunho. Mingi would recognize him anywhere. Mingi searched for the date and had to swallow when he saw that the video was from September in 2021. Mingi tilted his head and opened the other files. They were mainly videos and information from Yunho.
Mingi no longer understood anything.
Why did Hongjoong have so many videos of Yunho? It was creepy.

Since there were many more files, Mingi searched through them all. At some point, his eyes became heavy. It was only when he opened the last file that he woke up again. It was a contract. Mingi's heart was pounding loudly in his chest. He skimmed over the individual lines. Yunho's name appeared in several places. At the bottom was the sum of exactly one million. Mingi looked up from his laptop in shock.

It looked like Hongjoong's father had made a deal with Yunho's parents. They had sold their own son for one million. Mingi's thoughts stopped. Was that really true? But why would Yunho's parents do something like that? And why the hell did Hongjoong's father want to buy Yunho? How could anyone buy a human being?

Mingi closed the file again and removed the USB stick. At first he wanted to reach for his phone and call Yunho, but then he remembered where Yunho was. If he told Yunho about it now, Yunho would definitely freak out and confront Hongjoong. And if Hongjoong's father was like everyone described him, Mingi didn't want to imagine what would happen to Yunho.

Mingi took a deep breath. Suddenly, he heard the front door and his heartbeat automatically quickened again. He stormed out of Yunho's room. To his surprise, it wasn't the others but Yeosang, who came up the stairs with a broad smile. Meanwhile, Mingi scrutinized him.

"Where have you been?" he asked, as Yeosang must have been out all night. Yeosang winced and looked up at Mingi. "Just outside," Yeosang mumbled and walked past Mingi with a grin. Mingi walked after him with a skeptical look and followed him to his room where Yeosang was putting his bag down.

"Where are the others?" Yeosang asked immediately. "Some meeting with Hongjoong's father." Yeosang nodded. "So where were you?" Mingi wanted to know again. Yeosang shrugged his shoulders. Mingi sighed and decided not to ask any more questions.

Then his thoughts wandered back to what he had just found out. He wondered if Yeosang knew about everything? But he should talk to Yunho first, shouldn't he? "Everything okay? You look so lost in thought." Mingi shook his head. "Yes, everything's fine. So what do we do now?" Yeosang scratched his head. "Well, I still have to work on something, but you're welcome to stay here." Yeosang smiled. He looked much happier than usual.

Mingi did as Yeosang suggested and snuggled into Yeosang's bed while the other started working on something and typing on his computer. Mingi yawned and thought about Wooyoung and Jongho. He wanted to talk to them again, in person.
"Do you think I can meet up with Jongho and Wooyoung again?"
Mingi voiced his thoughts. Yeosang looked up and suddenly choked. Mingi looked at him worriedly until he could breathe normally again.

"Of course you can, but you should be careful, Mingi. You're with us now." Mingi nodded and let his head sink back into the pillow.


Mingi couldn't remember when he had fallen asleep, but when he woke up, Yeosang had disappeared. It was already afternoon. Tired, Mingi rolled out of the thick blanket. He was just sitting down when Yeosang came in with a bowl. There was a broad smile on his face. "Popcorn?" he asked, holding the bowl out to Mingi. Mingi's eyes lit up.

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