Leo Hamato origin

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~Everything I did well, protecting my family and the clan but....I glad to have them~

"Prince Leo, Prince Leo!..calling my name out like just call me Leo dang..." ~The turtle with my blue bandana was holding his sword and cleaning it as well, he was talking about his life and everything else~

~The person nodded while looking at him ~ "And pls tell me the story..."

"Right right, right before I became an Prince...I was an leader..." 

~New York City in 2017, after Augusten death and now back as an zombie. The turtle gang was sitting on the roof top and sigh, Mikey spoke~ "You know Leo, it okay to you know...being you, but you can't just think about the thing you been talking about all the time.." ~He said while looking at him but then Raph spoke~ "Oh hush it up Mikey, you know damn well he ain't special and he ain't a fucking prince for the last time!"

~Donnie was covering Augusten ears while looking at him~ "Can you watch your mouth Raph, our littlest brother is back and you are making an fuss about this whole thing with Leo!" 

~All four of them started fighting about this whole situation, Leo was about to loss it...he put told Augusten parasite to cover his ears and then...he snap~

"WELL ALL THREE OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! I'M TRIED OF BEING A STICK IN A MUD CALLING ME AN PRINCE LIKE THE FUCK I'M GOING TO DO?! ALL I WANT TO DO IS AN WISH BUT Y'ALL WANT TO SAY 'Oh Leo is just an leader like he going to be an Prince' AND Y'ALL JUST...JUST...GO AWAY AND SHUT UP ABOUT THIS SHIT SO GO! NOW!!!" ~he was calming himself down while turning around and sat down on the roof top ~

~All three of them stop talking, they all looked at Leo and sigh. Without saying anything, they left him. Leaving Leo and Augusten on the roof top aging alone and looked at the night sky~ "You can go Augusten, follow your brother behind..."

~Augusten nodded as he follow behind the other three turtles, now leaving him by himself. He looked at the night sky and sigh, he saw an poster in the sky that said "We need YOUR help! New Hamato clan prince/princess!" that made Leo jumped to see a poster like this, he was thinking about his family while looking down~

~He though to himself ~ "should I really do this?..should I Leo, an leader to his brothers....I should show them how much an leader I am.."

~[ Since the other boys was gone,  Leo set off to find the place he was looking for without even calling the brothers. He was worried about not even wearing an disguise to not make sure to make the people freak out about him, but he proceeded on about being an Prince of the New York City!] ~

~he spoke as he walked in~ "hello? anyone here?.." ~as he looked at an female soldier and waited ~

~The female soldier looked up with black skin, blue hair, blue scarf, blue dress, black leggings and short blur shoes~ "hello, what your name...?" ~as she looked at him for the first time to see an turtle ~

~Leo sigh while looking at her- "Leonardo Hamato.." 

~The Hamato soldier nodded while looking at him, getting up and walking around him~ "hm, an turtle with some kind of...ninja skills...we give u some challenge and I make sure you are ready to be an Hamato Prince.." ~she showed him an room, but an challenge room as well~

~[Leo was ready to take that test, following the Hamato soldier, going to the challenge room and went to start his training plus challenge...and so it begins, fighting, yelling everything you name it! Until then...Leo completed the challenge room and went out with a lot of marks on him but it was still worth it but showing off the best he was...to show his full time as the prince of the Hamato clan!]~

~All of the Hamato clan soldiers stood up and put they hand on her forehead ~ "OUT NEW PRINCE OF THE HAMATO CLAN, LEONARDO HAMATO! WELCOME OR NEW PRINCE!" ~they said while yelling and announced it, music was playing and clapping was coming the Hamato soldiers ~

~Leo breath in and out, holding his sword and went up to the Hamato soldier, putting his hand up to silent them all~ "Avery..." ~As he looked at the Hamato soldier~

~The Hamato soldier nodded while walking up to him and gave him an extra weapon and an phone~ "your extra weapon and phone, we are glad to have you as our Prince...Leo..." ~she looked at the rest of the Hamato soldier ~ "HAMATO CLAN SOLDIERS!!"

~All of them stomp their feet and raise their hand~ "ALL HALE FOR OUR NEW PRINCE OF THE HAMATO CLAN, LEONARDO HAMATO!" 

~[Leo was happy with his second life, but have to deal with his other life as well. But now he the prince of the Hamato clan...he was happy to be an Prince and probably changing his mind of thinking of the Angel Heart now]~

~[Present Time] ~

"But after that...everything is well, really well...we are the Hamato clan and our solar are ready for everything... HAMATO SOLDIERS WILL NOT STAND DOWN FOR NO ONE!"


~(August-Draws note: Tomorrow, y'all will get some information about the first three characters and their things they went though! Every three origin stories will introduce each characters in the order I want to give y'all! When the origin stories is over, y'all will get one-shots, ships, short stories plus art on here! Thank you for reading and have an great day or night! Bye bye!)~

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