Cpt 1.

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I never really understood when people would say your life could turn 'in a blink of an eye' until now.  Staring outside the window of the bus, it pulls up towards Maleek and Syrus, they live right by each other so that explain why Syrus was at Maleek porch with him. Me, Maleek, and Syrus has been close since womb days. So many arguments, but only we can say bad things about each other, Well that's what I thought! "Heyy star" my best friend, Syrus says as he takes a seat next to me. "Wassup supastar" Maleek also greets me. "Heyyy" I turn all my attention to them from the book I just finished reading, "On the Come Up" by Angie Thomas (I cried so many times, it was super good). Which my cousin had passed down to me. She's now in college, so I can't see her like I want. "Whatchu been up too? You've been dodging our texts and calls man." Syrus states. "Right" Maleek starts to instigate.

"Sorry, chill on me dang. Y'all know I have to practice on my poems. I'm trying to make it you know. Especially with everything that's going on, we gotta get out da hood." I tell them I have been writing poems ever since I was in middle school (6th grade), now in 10th grade and we have competition coming up on who's the best. "You right, u came up with any new shit? I bet its dope" Syrus starts to gas me without even knowing.

"Ong, you'd think she's an actual poetry artist." Maleek basically compliments me up without even knowing it has me feeling all gushy inside. I could just feel the butterflies flying around like they're on crack (turns out there just beetles, maybe even flees).

"Yes, I've been working on this piece, -" The bus came to a stop after picking everybody else from south side of crenshaw heights, now we on the west side of crenshaw. As soon as I spot Krow, I almost got caught staring at him. Like literally soon as I see his neck move my way, I look at Syrus who had a slight grin on his face. But he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the person who caught my attention, Krow. Syrus opens his mouth to talk until we hear, "Yo, wassup Queen" I hear Krow say. I turn to make sure he was speaking to me. Turns out he was looking directly at me. "Hi" I say, I've had a crush on this man since 6th grade, nobody knows. Maybe I'll tell Syrus one day, but nobody has notice. I try to hide it and I do a damn good job while doing so. "Whatchu been up to princess?" He says to me as he makes his way to sit with his friends. "Oh, nothing really, just keeping up with my poems."

"I seen yo live baby girl, keep going! We believe in you"! He says, we as in his friends too. I roll my eyes and say, "Yea right, you always talking shit". He just laughs a little and say, "Just be joking baby girl, that's all." He claims. "mmhmm" I hum, he just smiles and sends a wink and turn around to chalk it up with his friends.

Soon after the bus came to another stop, Tj then hopped on. Chile, when I say super fione!? But the thing that gets me is that he knows he's fine. He's one of those pretty boys who goes around talking bout "I pull all hoes" in I quote. "Aye star" I hear Tj say, "hey", I say "that poem was dope keep up the good work." My eyes went wide I mean I knew it was 4 hundred people that joined my live, but I never expected him to see it. "Thanks" I sent a smile his way and he nods. He and everybody on the bus starts to hype me up and chant my poem,

 "I told my teacher one day

That shell see me on tv

She bout didnt believe me,

But teach when u see me,

Don't try to come up to me,

Don't try to say wassup weme,

U know wassup weme,

Yall know wassup weme,

But ill let it be known again,".

As they start chanting my lyrics, I join in with them and say, "Cause once its up then its WHAT?!" "Then its stuck!" They yell. They keep my poem 'song' going.

"So when u see that mug on my face, when you're approaching Its permanent, I have alot of shit on my plate, I cant date


I wont date, you wont make me fall into yo trap, ian bait!"

And they just keep going, my best friends hyping me up and we all sing it until we arrive at our school.

 "U can't do hiphop without rnb, That's drill!

U cant trip on me nigga, that's suicide

Id kill!

When my friends vent to me, my feedback Is that id heal!"

Even the cars that were passing starts honking. I pull my window down and hear people say, "Don't try to come up to me,

Don't try to say wassup weme

U know wassup weme

Yall know wassup weme

But I'll let it be known again."

 To my surprise somebody has uploaded my live to YouTube, Syrus and Maleek claims but I'm just sitting in shock.

If I got people in my hood talking about me, singing my poems as if they're raps, I think I can make it out. I could get my peoples out the struggle. Or maybe I can save crenshaw heights. Maybe this is my purpose... To fulfill my dreams. To make sure nobody goes broke again. To make sure nobody has to spend Christmas at church again. To make sure nobody in my city starves. To make sure nobody has to sell dope to have money. To make sure that nobody has to join a gang to feel love or need of support. To make sure that we all got somebody to rely on. Maybe that's my purpose. Maybe there is hope.

A/N: Heyy, this is probably one of the best books ive ever made even though I haven't finished my other books. But I will be giving credit to Miss Thomas (Angie Thomas), The woman who wrote "On the Come Up" I love that book dearly and it made me cry and I finished reading it in 2 days, I also got mad/upset cause there wasn't anything left lol. I want you guys to read it too. Anyways I really hope this gets a lot of views, votes, and comments. How did I do? This book is also inspired by "On the Come Up" BY Angie Thomas. -LUVKAT, MUAH💕.

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