☯ Thirteen // Plans

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The next day Doctor Clark waited for Liam to punch in for the day in the main office.

He was one of the first few people who came early that day around 6:30 am. They wake up the patients around 8:00 am.

He saw Liam walk into the building through the window while he was sat on the chair that was on the office.

Liam walked into the office to punch in for the day and stopped when he saw Doctor Clark sitting on the chair. With a raised eyebrow Liam coughed to bring the doctor's attention to him.

"You're early." Liam said while clocking in, he had a half smirk on his face.

"I need to talk you you about... Louis." Doctor Clark said, mumbling Louis' name so only him and Liam heard.

"Let's go to my office, it's more private in there." Liam said lowly, walking John into his office before closing and locking the door.

"What would you like to tell me about Louis?" Liam said as he sat on his computer chair the same time John sat on the chair opposite if him.

"Well, I was monitoring him while he was put inside the white room. He looked so cute and carefree, he reminded me so much of Jade." John said as he spat out his ex-wife's name.

"Mhm, and then what." Liam said, urging John to get with the point.

"I-I just snapped. Like my brains just snapped, he looked like Jade at that moment and I just wanted nothing more than to hurt her but to love her and protect her in a weird way." John said furious and frustration but you can still hear his sadness.

"What exactly did you do?" Liam asked while narrowing his eyes at John.

"Well I walked into the room I saw Louis sitting on the floor..." John started off with Liam listening cautiously.


"Hello Louis, my love." John said happily.

"Who are you." Louis asked confused while looking into the camera, his blue/grey eyes wide.

"Doesn't matter sweetie, now strip." John commanded making Louis pull his knees up to his chest.

"What-- no." Louis said shaking his head on the verge of tears.

John chuckled at Louis' response, because he's doesn't take no for an answer. "Oh Louis baby, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, either way you're still going to get naked for me baby." John smiled his brown eyes focusing on the computer screen.

"No-- no. Who are you. Why are you doing this, stop." Louis cried out shaking his head side to side. He was all shaken up which made John get angry.

"Just call me Harry, love." John easily lied, knowing that Harry likes Louis a lot. So he just ruined their chances.

He heard Louis blabber some nonsense but John just ignored him, he shook his head before saying "Okay baby, have it your way." John said with a sigh. "But were not done here."

John waited a few minutes for Louis to calm down. He was tired of waiting and he just wanted Louis.

John started to threaten Louis, telling him that if he doesn't do what he says he will hurt all of his friend that he made in the ward.

Louis slowly took of his shirt with tears streaming down his face. His eyes were red and his hiccups echoed around the room.

John smiled at the view before he saw what time it is. It was almost time for the patients sleep time.

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