Kali disowns her kid

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Kali walks home with Ash, placing two baby's on the pastel green floor.
"Aw... look at Elijah!" Kali giggled "they look just like a hot Cheeto girl."
Kali smiled looking down at Elijah but suddenly looked utterly disgusted and distraught when she saw serenity.
Ash shrugged and looked down at the baby "uhm... a child I'm pretty sure."
"Surely that isn't MY daughter oh goodness me no."
Ash stood up, looking very upset and Kali
"She's just a child! You can't treat her like this."
Kali opened her mouth to yell when suddenly, Elijah started kicking serenity on the ground and beating her up while smiling. Hot Cheeto dust fell all over Serenity as she sobbed helplessly. Ash flicked Elijah away and grabbed Serenitys arm.
"That's enough! That's it! I'm getting out of here." Ash yelled as they stormed off. Kali followed after them, leaving the kids in the room. When she returned, she smiled at Serenity.
"Bad news kiddo, something happened to Ash and they aren't coming back. Looks like this won't be so easy for you huh? Well Elijah, how about we go try on to plaid pajama pants and white crocs?"
Serenity watched as they walked away, wiping the hot Cheeto dust off her face. She sobbed helplessly, wondering what happened to Ash.

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