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"Do you have to leave, Charles?" I ask, being extra aware of my words.

The properly dressed man with luggage and some bags turn around. His hair is the same color as our mother's, silky dark jet black, with his eyes being identical to our father's, beige brown. He has to quite lower his head to face me regarding my height.

Having eyes with a color of jade green, others always said I, a Glift, have a pair of awfully exotic colors.

My parents have similar appearances and traits, too. I had inherited my mother's shining and dazzling jade green eyes, and my father's champagne and honey blonde hair with mine much much longer than his.

When they are in the same picture frame, they are the perfect pair of married couples. They are there for each other every, single time no matter what, and they love each other, and me, after I was born, dearly.

"They are made for each other!" Everyone in every age always says, and my parents often exchange looks of adored, blessed simper after.

"Hey, I'll send something to mail, it's not a big deal—" begins Charles.

"Yes it is a big deal." I say.

There are a few seconds of pure silence.

Charles exhales. "Charmi, don't you think your annoying older brother finally leaving sounds absolutely fascinating to you?" His lips curl to form a smirk. "Or perhaps... you actually changed your mind?"

My fist goes straight for his arms in a lighthearted way.

"Mind you," I remind him with a smile. "You still are my annoying older brother no matter what."

"Indeed!" Brother responds, chuckling.

He goes towards our parents for a hug; Mom blowing her nose into her flowery handkerchief and Dad crossing his arms proudly.

"You really are a man after all." Dad says quietly, adjusting his spectacles by pushing it upwards.

Slightly astonished by Dad's choice of words, Charles raises his eyebrows.

"Hey!" shouts the taxi driver in the car who was waiting for my brother near the porch on the road. "Get goin'! I ain't got much time for dis!"

Charles says, "Well, I'll see y'all soon enough!" After one last wave of goodbye, he settles down at his seat in the back of the taxi. While the car window remains rolled down, he glances at the house he was the most familiar with for the last time. He then whispers something I did not catch with sincere and twinkling eyes. Absorbing my subconscious frown, I turn my head to my parents for answers, but they nod in a firm manner. I only realize their referent is Charles instead of the driver as I return to my previous position.

"Such wholesome scene ya got there, but we gotta go!" the taxi driver mutters rather shrillingly, pressing the operating button which signals the window back sealed.

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