Chapter 1 - Congratulation...Herrera!

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Congratulations Herrera... you will be captain of Station 19! ......

2 weeks later

.........-Engine Company 19, Ladder Company 19, Aid Car 19 und Emergency Medical Services Response Unit 19 in E Madison St.-

"GO! GO! GO! 19! We are now dealing with a 5th grade emergency call! Bishop and Sullivan Aid Car! Montgomery and Hughes you're driving E19! Warren and Ruiz EMS19! Probie you're coming with me! Move!" Andy yelled and everyone was ready.

You nod resolutely and when you arrive at the address you can see the immense smoke despite the darkness.

"Oh shit....", Andy looks shocked as a picture of devastation becomes clear.

"Damn....that's a crane that's tipped over!" Vic gets out and looks around.

"Captain, there's fire everywhere, we have to contain it!" said Travis, looking tense.

"Can't you see the debris everywhere? And there are still injured people everywhere. Station 88 is also on the scene...we definitely need more support here!" Sullivan right in the mood looking at Andy, who realises the burden of this distress call, trying to orientate herself.

"Ok guys! Bishop and Sullivan check on all the survivors and get them to safety!" Andy yells.

"Captain I can help with the injured!" Warren looks at her seriously and Andy nods after a few seconds of consideration. She organises the remaining people and always passes on the situation report to the battalion chief.

"Captain!" With a leap you knock Andy over and the next thing you hear is a massive noise, close beside you as a large section of the crane has melted due to the heat and almost toppled onto Andy. Completely distraught, Andy looks at you, realising that she could have died here and now, you both stand up and Andy's breathing quickens. A loud beeping prevents her from hearing you.

"Captain! hey captain come to you!" you shout at her and grab her by the shoulders "breathe!"

Her first assignment as captain and then such a big one. Andy looks you in the eye. "That's good, just breathe," you try to reassure her.

"Hey Andy, is everything ok?" Sullivan comes in to check if everything is ok. She just looks at him briefly and focusses on you again, then nods and takes her walkie talkie. "All units, we need reinforcements here, now!" Back in reality, she enters all the data to the chief and then looks at you. "Contain the fire with the others, but keep your distance!" You nod at Andy's words and set off straight away, but you can clearly feel Andy's gaze on your neck as you leave.

The mission lasted a whole 40 hours and on the way back to the station everyone was simply exhausted. Andy leant back, lost in thoughts, looking out of the window.

"hey....good job Captain," Maya tries to cheer her up, the mood is too depressed after everything that has happened, but Andy simply ignores her. Images of the mission flashes before her face in an endless loop and she can't relax which is also not unnoticed by you.

Back at the station, everyone literally falls into bed, only Andy is still in the captain's office finalising the report. She pauses for a moment as everything comes back to her. As captain, she is responsible for everyone. Tears well up in her eyes and she catches her breath, completely exhausted, when Sullivan suddenly comes in at the same time.

"tough first mission captain", he comes to her and sits down at her table.

"tch..." she closes her eyes and smiles. "How did you get through your first day as captain?" She looks at him for help.

"I just pulled it off, Andy, you've worked long and hard for this position. You're a born leader," he takes her hand, causing her to look at it thoughtfully.

"I was almost flattened by a crane today," she pulls his hand away from Sullivan. "Y/N saved me.... a new recruit," she huffs, almost embarrassed.

You were just about to open the door, but you hear her last words and pause with your hand on the door handle.

"The situation was also confusing, it's the first time I've ever seen a case like this involving a crane. Everyone was overwhelmed. You did your best and for the new recruit, it was an immediate experience.", Sullivan stands up and smiles.

You knock and slowly open the door. "Please allow me to come in Captain!" Andy looks at you and lets her eyes wander demandingly to Robert, who understood and left the office.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Andy looks at you questioningly.

"I wanted to ask if you're okay, Captain..." you look at her carefully, her look completely tired. She stands up and leans against her table with her hands in her pockets, her eyes on you. "Thanks for asking, but I should ask you that. For your first shift here, it's probably difficult to process at first.

"Well, I've already experienced a lot, but the fact that I have to save the captain on my first day here is really crazy," you smile, but the words hit Andy harder than expected. She closes her eyes and takes a sharp breath. "good job, probie...but you should go sleep now", she smiled unexpected softly.

A tinge of red spreads across your cheeks, which she doesn't know came from her smile, not her praise. "ok..."

good night, captain", you turn back to your bunk and lay down, looking at the ceiling of the room smiling.

A new morning after the team finally got some more sleep, you are the first one awake and already making breakfast at the Beanery. Travis was the first to arrive. "hey well...your effort yesterday wasn't bad, well done probie" a peaceful smile from him, he helps you making breakfast when Andy joins you.

"Good morning," came Andy quietly and formally. Travis looks between the two of you and was about to say something when Vic joins him. "heeeey, good morning!", she is dancing as she takes coffee and then suddenly looks back and forth between Andy and you. A simple silence between both of you and Vic then looks at Travis, almost looking for help, who just shrugs his shoulders and also sips coffee.

You remain silent and put the last things for breakfast on the table, sit down and drink coffee.

"thanks, looks good," Vic grabs something and stuffs it straight into her mouth while Andy sits down right across from you. You concentrate on your coffee and have to swallow hard, but you are immediately pulled out of your thoughts when the rest of the group joins you. Andy looks briefly into your eyes, but her gaze is completely electric, she just suddenly gets up and leaves the Beanery with her coffee and goes to her office.

"Um...ok?", Vic watches her go, followed by the others except you.

"Surely the call is still in her bones," said Sullivan and then looks at you quietly, which you don't notice.

Andy stands with her back against her door, closes it and looks into the room, completely lost in thought, with a questioning look. "I swear...." She jumps at the sudden knock on her door, turns around and opens it....

Well AAAAND who this is will be in the next chapter. fluff and sweets will also be more and more each chapter. 18+ will be markt clearly for the ones that just wanna skip.

Congratulation... Captain?Where stories live. Discover now