Chapter 17-18

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Anor 16th, 3330 A.G

Jana looked around and smiled. She'd always appreciated the work it took to get something done, whether that were referring to a diplomatic trip, trade deal- or helping rebuild cottages when a horrible flood and storm had wrecked Ellisetown. It hadn't seemed like the Ourri's were going to help at all, and her family wanted to- but they'd only done the bare minimum for their own gain.

  Like many noblemen and women before them, they'd paid commoners to do the work for them and simply say the words 'We're here on behalf of lord Harman'. They saw this as a way to secure the loyalties of one village before even coming into power- if they rebuilt their homes, they'd send soldiers if they ever needed it. She couldn't bring herself to despise them for it- they'd been quite busy, but so had Jana and she made time.

  She'd ignored her husband as he'd followed her out that day and hopped on the construction worker's wagon, traveling the whole way with a man who had a bad leg(but decent enough arms to keep working) and his wife. Once they'd gotten there and seen how bad the destruction truly were, she almost she'd a tear.

  She'd never built anything, so she required guidance- but after two homes of being taught she got the hang of it. When it were all done thirteen homes had been restored and the village dwellers came out to thank them. And though the words weren't spoken, they didn't have to be. The loyalty of that village belonged to Jana, not the rest of her family.

  Now, servants and soldiers alike were packing things into wagons and onto horse's backs as they prepared to depart.She'd questioned bringing so many servants in the beginning but quickly learned to shut her mouth, once it were explained. They had to pay them more than usual if they were to work in a battle zone, but this was alright. With common tasks out of the way their soldiers would be able to focus on bloodshed.

  The rest of her family were saying goodbye to one another; not all of them had been involved in planning and not all of them were warriors. Her uncles Ansiau and Vacquelin, Cousin Daw- and likely someone else she'd forgotten, would be staying home with everyone's children.

  Her husband were just by her; looking like he didn't want to be here.

  "Are you alright husband?" She asked, not caring in the slightest. "You look pale. Almost as pale as an Ebonian."

  Wymac rolled his eyes. "I am not-"

  "No let me guess- Are you afraid?" She questioned, a light in her eyes that only came in with a certain cruelty. "You've never been in a real battle before. I guess none could blame you."

  "The trade dispute with Narnclaedra a few years back-"

"Oh that didn't count and we both know it." He started to interrupt, but she beat him to it. "There were twelve soldiers on both sides. It wasn't that serious."

  Wymac sighed. As much as he hated it, she was right. "I suppose.... I am afraid. But how are you not? Some of us will die. Your favorite uncle, perhaps your favorite cousin- could be among the dead."

  "I've been wielding this thing since I were four years old." Jana patted the long sword at her back. "It's a real shame you refused to learn your weapons until you were- what was it? Twenty five? Otherwise you may have just lived through this thing."

  "If you're going to stand there and insult me at least get it over with quickly." Wymac huffed, glaring at a servant that bumped into his horse. "I didn't have a favorite uncle teach me in my teenage years because I wanted to get close to him-"

  "Oh look there's Harman and my parents!" Jana said, not listening. They'd just come out, and though some of the others wouldn't admit it- she and they were the only true masterminds to this plan. Jana dismounted her horse and went to join them.

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