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Ivy's eyes flutter open, blinking slowly as the afternoon sun greets her through the bedroom curtains. She sits up and rubs her tired eyes, scanning the familiar surroundings of her bedroom and yawns, as she stretches her limbs.

She had been working since 4am, so she decided to sleep in, as she had another late night shift. The thought of being on shift later suddenly sends shivers down her spine, as the memories of last night flooded in. Feeling even more annoyed, she also recalls the memory of what he had said before he drove off into the night. The sentence echoing in her mind, making her groan loudly as she got out of bed to get ready for the day.

Please God be nice to me. Or I really will end up throwing the register at him.


"Ivy? Are you awake?" The voice of her aunt calls out from downstairs.

"Yeah I'll be there!" She replies, taking one last look at the mirror and notices her burgundy coloured hair fading.

I should get my hair done again.

She made sure to remind herself to book an appointment sometime during the week before she walks out of her room, closing the door behind her and heads downstairs.

Her eyes meets with her aunt's as she's sitting in the living room ironing out her cousin's clothes. Her aunt grins and turns off the iron, before walking over to her niece. "Good afternoon Ivy, did you sleep well?" She pulls her in a tight embrace before pulling away from her.

Her aunt pauses, her eyes squinting and takes a good look at her niece, before she continues "My goodness are those eye bags?" She gasps her eyebrows furrowing, her expression full of concern as she gently cups her niece's face.

"I'm fine Aunty don't worry, just a few late night shifts. I'll be fine." Ivy responds softly and smiles, reassuring her aunt that there really wasn't anything to worry about.

Her aunt stares at her for a moment, then smiles softly "Alright then sweetie. Your uncle made some rice porridge earlier, since he knew you had a late shift last night. It's in the fridge, so you can just throw it in the microwave alright? I'll be going to the market after I finish ironing the clothes." she informs her before letting go of her niece and walks back to the ironing board. Ivy nods and heads over to the kitchen and takes out the porridge from the fridge to heat up.

She takes a look around noticing that her cousin wasn't around "Hey Aunty? Where's Ni-ki?" She asks, her attention not peeling away from her food that was heating in the microwave, lazily scratching her arm and yawns.

"Oh he's at work." She replies and continues on her chores after Ivy hummed as a response.

"Oh right, your uncle is at the store right now and he said just to clock in a little later if you're still tired." her aunt calls out from the living room.

Ivy hums in response and takes out her warmed porridge from the microwave. Taking a seat on the table, she looks through her phone spotting a few messages she had yet to reply to.

Wet Dog :D

Wet Dog :D
Ivyyyyy my beloved bestie and only ONE in the world. Can you come over later? I'm boredddddd.

Ugh, why? Actually better question yet, why am I suddenly ur only bestie? Where's Heeseung?

Wet Dog :D

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