Chapter 9: jealousy

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"Heeseung get up." Jake said sleepily.

"Ugh..No. Ten more minutes." Heeseung said softly.

"Nope get up right now." Jake whispered as he pulled Heeseung up.

"You piece of crap."

"I told you we have to wake up earlier didn't I"

Heeseung grabbed his phone and checked the time.

"It's freaking 5 am. School starts at seven!"

"My parents wake up at 5:30. I actually let you sleep more than we were supposed to because you looked like you really needed it."

"Okay, let's go quickly, we only have 30 minutes."

"Seriously.." Heeseung sighed.

"Stop stomping so loudly."

"It's not my fault I can't walk you idiot."

"Are you sure you can go to school today. Who will be carrying you around?"

"The pain is less. I guess I should be able to walk. I don't need you to be there by my side all the damn time." Heeseung complained, he really didn't want to draw attention with Jake following him around school.

"Geez." Jake sighed.

They both walked slowly towards the bus stop, Heeseung was still slightly struggling to walk, so they had to move at a slower pace. They also had to wait for half an hour before their ride came, since it was still early. Jake put on his earphones before sitting down and scrolling through his phone for songs he could listen to.
He looked up towards Heeseung to see the male looking at him with a frown.

"What?" Jake asked.

"I don't want to sit here. Let's go to the back."

"Really Heeseung? I don't really like sitting at the rear end though."

"Just get up will you. Or I'm going alone."

Not wanting Heeseung to get more injured than he already is, Jake reluctantly got up from his seat, following behind Heeseung.

They both made their way towards the back, Jake held the grab rails to avoid falling since the bus could depart at any moment.

"Hold it. You will fall down."

"No it's so disgusting, so many people touch that you know? Germs everywhere"

"You could always saniti-"

Suddenly the vehicle started moving slowly before abruptly accelerating causing Heeseung to lose his balance. He felt someone behind him catching him. He then turned around to see an angry look on Jake's face.

"You see what happens when you don't listen."

Heeseung found himself staring at Jake for a second, he looked really.... Cute- the older internally scoffed at those silly thoughts and brushed it away, not wanting to dwell on such stupidity.

"Oh shut up. I could've very well saved myself."

"Yeah sure."

The rest of the bus ride was silent, with Jake listening to songs while looking out the window, whereas Heeseung was simply deep in thought.
They only stopped once at a convenience store to get something to eat before walking the remaining five meters before reaching school.

"Jake stay here until I enter the school."


"Because I can't be seen with you."

"Uh. Okay?" Jake nodded before coming to a halt. He watched as Heeseung strained to move. He did feel a slight bit disheartened.

He failed to notice someone across the street, who had seen everything,

Indeed it was Sunghoon. The male had arrived earlier to school that day since he had things to do at the library.. Somehow could felt his blood boiling at the sight of Jake and Heeseung. He didn't know why he grew so attached to the younger, which was not normally the case with other people. He definitely did not like seeing someone as kindhearted as Jake around such a rude and disrespectful person who had absolutely no morals.

"Hey Jake." Sunghoon said as he move in Jake's direction."

"Oh hey. Why are you so early?" Jake asked with a chuckle.

"I have work to do at the library. The student council organized an event for school that I have to check out."

"Ah I see. Well let me accompany you there?"


"Can I ask you something?" Sunghoon said breaking the silence.

"Yea what?"

"Why was Heeseung with you earlier?"

"Oh.. I- how am I going to explain this now..." Jake sighed.

"However you can."

"Is it really that important?"

"Well yeah. Because I told you about his evil intentions. How do you know he isn't toying with you?"

"No no it's nothing like that. What happened is.. last night while I was returning home, I came across him all injured with several cuts and bruises.. so I took him to my house.."

"You did what..?" Sunghoon couldn't believe his eyes.

"I brought him home so I could.. treat his wounds." Jake stated, he didn't really feel like adding any more information since he felt some strange aura radiating from Sunghoon.

"And what else? I dropped you home pretty late. So does that mean he stayed at your house too."

Why did the atmosphere grow tense all of a second?

"I.. yes."

"Unbelievable." Sunghoon face palmed.

"I was just helping him.."

"Still. You can't trust him? You barely even know him firstly and secondly hasn't he literally ruined your first day at school?" Sunghoon frowned

"He did but.. I couldn't just leave him there." Jake pouted.

Sunghoon's expression softened before he let out a frustrated sigh.

"Okay. It's fine. You really have a generous heart. I hope he appreciates what you've done and doesn't bother you anymore."

"He probably won't."

"Well, we are here so I'll see you later during break?"

"Oh yea of course. Come join me in the yard during break. I'll be with my friends."

"Can I bring my friend over too?"

"The one who likes Jungwon?"


"Of course. We should try set them up, I swear."

"You've never even met him before."

"Yeah true. But I can tell you have good friends."

"Thanks." Sunghoon chuckled.

"See you later then."


Sunghoon waited for Jake to leave before his expression darkened. He was definitely going to make Heeseung understand that Jake wasn't someone he was allowed to toy with. Not on his watch
My late updates ugh. So sorry 😭
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