Chapter Twelve

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Noah Everret

Marking Branson has been a hell of a ride. During the process it was hot, and satisfying. But ever since we marked, things have gotten awkward. It's like we both want to mate, but neither of us wants to have the conversation. And we need to have a conversation before we can.

But then it's also like we both almost wish...we didn't mark. I don't think he regrets it, and I don't. But I think it puts us in an uncomfortable situation.

I think i also ghosted him, though. I haven't went to his school, and we don't hangout. It's been a little over a week. It's not that i don't want to see him, because i do. But I don't know if I'll be able to control myself, and that scares me.

We've both eaten breakfast and dinner in the pack house, and we don't really talk. We just sit there, and eat.

I don't know what to do, or what to say. It's just so fucking awkward.

I also haven't been able to feel him. It's like there's a wall blocking me from him. I think he's blocking me out, and I want to know why but I don't know how to have any of these conversations.

I really wish i could talk to Layla, but i can't. So, i decided my mom is the next best thing. We're sitting on the couch now, as the twins nap. She's folding laundry while watching a show and I'm helping her.

"What's wrong honey?" mom asks, pausing her show and turning towards me. She folds a pair of jeans, keeping her eyes on me.

"I need some advice," I murmured, grabbing a towel from the basket.

"Okay" she says, as she continues through the clothes.

"Bran and I marked, and now things are awkward. It's like we're in a limbo of needing to take the next step but not wanting too. Or knowing how"

"Oh! Uh, I can talk to Uncle P, and I'm sure he'd be happy to help you guys figure those things out" her spine stiffens, and she nods "I'm sure he can have that talk. Or i can do some research-"

"Oh my goddess not that talk mom" a laugh bursts from my chest, as i shake my head. "I know what to do with that, for the most part. I mean talking about if that's what we want, or if we should wait. What we expect from it. Not the physical part"

"Have you just tried being blunt?"

Sighing, I lean back onto the couch. "I kinda think I ghosted him. We haven't hung out or talked."

Mom shakes her head, letting out her own sigh. "You can't do that honey. You have to communicate. 'Ghosting' only makes things worse. And he's your mate, he's in this with you."

"I know- I know. I just don't know how to run my fingers through my hair. "I don't want to say too much and freak him out. I don't want to lose control and something ill regret happen"

"He's your mate, you're less likely to lose complete control around him. Plus, if you tell him this he can be prepared. Bran isn't fragile Noah. He can hold his own" mom finishes the clothes, piling them all into the correct baskets. "Ignoring each other, and pushing it away isn't a healthy way to deal with these things. You both probably feel the same, and you're just going to push him away. That's not far either babe"

She's right. And this isn't the first time I've done this. I did it when i fucked up and said the wrong thing. I let over a week go by before I tried to fix it. And I just did it, again.


I'm sitting outside the highschool while I wait for Branson to come out. The bell rang a few minutes ago and there's no sign of him. His friend, Dylan does come out though. I keep waiting, and when it gets to about 10 minutes from the bell Branson finally comes out.

I climb out of my truck, and his eyes are on me right away. His body tense and he slowly makes his way over to me.

"Hey" I murmured, and he nodded.

"What's up?"

"We need to talk"

"Now you're ready to talk?" he scoffs, "Well I'm not. How about that?" he storms past me, but I grab his wrist.

"I'm sorry Bran"

"Yeah, you're always sorry" he yanks his wrist free, and I follow his large steps.

"I know, okay? I do. I realize I keep ghosting, and I'm going to work on it. I'm going to fix it."

"Sure you will" he keeps walking, towards his house. I grab him again, spinning him around.

"I was scared I'd lose control and do something- I don't know what. Anything. I was scared and i didnt know how to have these conversations. But I'm learning. I shouldn't have ignored you, I guess I didn't realize I was. But I'm going to fix it, and I'll show you that it'll be different. I'm sorry Bran "I pour everything I have into those words.

He doesn't say anything for a moment, his eyes just flick between my own. Like he's trying to gauge if I'm telling the truth or not. He must find what he's looking for, because he nods.

"Okay. I'm sorry too. I didn't try to talk about things because I was so hurt when you just acted like I did not exist. We both need to work on it. But you don't get to just walk all over me, Noah. You have to try too" his words are soft, and sad. But I nod.

"I will pups" I murmured, before pulling his body to mine.


Branson agreed to coming over and watching a movie. We still need to have a conversation about other things. But for now, we're sitting on my bed watching a movie.

I try to keep my brain from going to what happened last week. To Branson's moans, and how he felt under me. His mark healed nicely, and you can still see it pretty well. I know they fade a bit with time, but this is still pretty announced for now.

"You're not even watching it" he hits my shoulder, letting out a sigh.

"Sorry" I mumble, turning back to the TV. I guess I was staring.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks after a moment. I try to decide if I want to bring it up, because once I do we have to have that conversation. But I said I'd work on it, and that means communicating.

"About the next step in this- relationship. About how it felt when we marked"

"Oh" he clears his throat, sitting a little straighter. "What do you want the next step in this relationship to be?" he asks, turning towards me.

"Honestly? Some days I think I'm all in. But that's probably not the best next step." he nods, and I turn to face him more. "You?"

"I'm not ready to go all in. I still don't know much about you, and we still don't really like each other. But I'd be okay with a little, more" he nods like that's the word he's searching for.

"More, like?" I ask, wanting to be on the same page.

"Like uh, like kissing, maybe touching? Just not all the way" he clears his throat again, "I'd be okay with it getting a little just, more. But I don't want to mate yet, and your wolf can't force us too"

"I wouldn't let him do that" I determine, and nod my head. "So a little more" a smirk tugs at my lips. "That's an interesting way to put it"

"Yeah yeah, don't get any ideas today though. I agreed to watch a movie with you, not do a little more today" he scoots down in the bed. "Now can we watch it and you chill out or are you going to be in your head?"

"I think i can 'chill out' pups" i smile tugs at my lips when his hand connects with my chest.

"I'm only a year younger than you, yano?"

"Yeah, but you're Layla's little brother"

"Not that little" he pouts, his bottom lip poking out.


"Watch the movie" he throws a pillow at me, and i catch it resting it in my lap. I do watch the movie, my eyes drift to my mate every little bit, but I try my best to focus on the movie. 

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