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Austin had stabbed Zach in the hand with a very sharp pencil. Both Cynthia and Tory were called to the school to have a discussion with the principal:

"What's to prevent him from stabbing another student?"
"The school has very strict disciplinary guidelines when it comes to violence."
"It wasn't just violent. It was a premeditated attack by a child! With severe aggression!"
"And we're taking it very seriously."

All of this was very familiar to Tory however, it was different being on the other side of the conversation. She was almost happy her mother was too ill at the time of the school fight, this was not fun to deal with. Nevertheless, she had learned a lot from her own experience and knew how to best play the situation.

"I don't know where he learned this behaviour. It is inexcusable. Clearly, he's struggling emotionally."
"Zach required a stitch!" Cynthia argued. "Who knows when he'll next hold a tennis racket?"
"This is my fault. I must have missed Austin's cries for help. I'm... so sorry this happened." Tory tried to take the blame so the punishment would be easier on her son.
"Austin shouldn't be allowed back into the classroom."
"I agree. Austin needs time away from school to process this."
"Given that this is his first offence, I think suspension is appropriate." The principal recommended.
"Cynthia? Do you agree?" He asked.
"He should be in therapy."
"Oh, absolutely. Therapy, yes. This aggression is not OK." Tory agreed.

Settled on a course of action the mothers went to collect their sons.

"Let's go."

Tory led Austin by the hand to the car where Georgia was waiting for them. "Well? How'd it go?"
Tory sighed "I'm not gonna lie. It was—"
"You're not gonna lie? That's weird. I'd like to hear from Austin. How'd it go?"
"I'm suspended, and I have to do therapy. Mom said she was worried."
"Baby, I'm not worried. There is nothing wrong with you and you don't need to go to therapy." Tory reassured him. "That Zach kid had it coming." She spat venomously.
"I'm sorry. Are you suggesting the nine-year-old deserved to be stabbed through the hand with a pencil?"
"I'm sorry, but you've got a lot of opinions today. And I don't remember anyone popping out of your birth canal! Can it."
"He needs to see someone, Mom! Clearly, he's not handling things well with your whole secret family surprise."
"I like Caleb!" Austin protested.
"I didn't tell you about Brandon because I felt ashamed. Robby and I had a plan to try and get him out of care after my mom died but then I found out I was pregnant with you and priorities changed."
"I don't wanna go to therapy." Austin whined.
"Don't worry. You are not going. I'm not paying for some twenty-nothing, latte-drinkin', tweed-wearing hypocrite who thinks they have any idea about my life." Safe to say, Tory's opinion on therapy changed after her mom died.
"Austin's life! You mean Austin's life!" Georgia reminded her.
"Baby, listen to me. You're perfect."
"But I heard you. You said you were worried."
"Nothing I said was true! I was try—"
"Lying!" Georgia shouted interrupting Tory.
"Protecting you." She finished ignoring her daughter.

Tory lived in fight or flight mode, mostly flight mode now, all the fight had been drained out of her over the years, particularly after her teenage years. Now, if something goes south, she doesn't let the dust settle. Tory had done a lot wrong in her past, so much so, that she couldn't bear to look backwards, now she focus on the future.

/ /

Tory arrived home that night to find Brandon in her kitchen cooking dinner.

"Look at you. Big house. Wine glasses." He chuckled. "Hell of a long way from the Valley."
"Why are you here, Brandon?"
He shrugged "I'm your brother. Haven't seen you in over a decade. You never came back for me. That hurt, Victoria."
"Don't call me that."
"Right. To shittin' in high cotton!" He raised the glass of wine she had poured him.
"Three-ply toilet paper." Tory toasted making Brandon chuckle. "So, how are you? What's your life?"
"I'm good. Doin' real good. I got my own place."
"I got a job! I'm a customer care advisor. Like, on the phone!" He chuckled while Tory furrowed her brow. "It's good for me 'cause you know how much I like talkin'."
"Caleb's mom?" Tory questioned and Brandon just shrugged his shoulders in response. "Did uh... Did your dad ever come back?"
Brandon nodded slowly "Get this. Couple years back, dad got a hook." Brandon snickered. It took Tory a few seconds to realise what he was talking about. Brandon's father, Tory's step father was very abusive to them all and the way they finally got rid of them was by Tory shooting him in the hand with his own gun. "For his hand? Like a pirate?" The older Nichols questioned.
"Full-on Peter Pan shit!" Brandon giggled. Tory burst out into laughter at the thought of it. "I think he did it 'cause kids kept asking for high fives." He snickered.
"What about you? Where's Robby?"
"Dad's overseas. They don't speak unless it's about my grounding. But mom keeps getting asked out by the mayor. Keepin' a nice low profile." Georgia answered for her walking into the kitchen. "You should totally say yes! I mean, I loved Robby. But that is some high-class shit. Can I meet him?" Brandon said excitedly but Tory was more focused on her daughter "Excuse me? Where are you goin'?"
"Out doin' what?"
"Meth." She joked. "Good night."
"You can't stay mad at me forever!" Tory told her and Georgia just slammed the door shut. Tory sighed "She's gonna stay mad at me forever."
"Glad I have a son."
"I don't know where she gets it."
"Are you kiddin'? I can't decide if she's more like Robby or you." Brandon spat incredulously. "Let her go. She probably got plans with that cute boyfriend."
"How do you know about Hunter?"
"Social media. That's how I found you. I followed Georgia. Connected the dots. You know that song he wrote her has got over, like, 16000 views?"
"You always were good with tech. I thought that's what you would do for a career. I pictured you moved from the San Fernando Valley to Silicon Valley. Why are you here, Brandon?"
"I missed you. Calen should know his cousins. I know you hate him but, after my dad goes, you're all we got." Brandon cleared his throat before shouting "Boys! Dinner!"

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