𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒𝖻𝗈𝗂 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗂

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me and jordan had been friends since birth, so it wasn't suprising that we did almost everything together. some people often questioned our friendship and mistaked us for a couple which i'd admit was kind of annoying explaining to people that we are just friends.

recently i've been noticing him acting oddly close, which i've tried to shake of the thought but it's been a little hard especially with both of our friends pointing it out.

today we're supposed to be going to the studio to hang out with his co workers, lone and ken. he told me i could bring along some people so i brought two of my closest friends. 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐳𝐳. we we're all getting ready at my apartment when i heard my front door open.

"y/n, come on we have to go lone and ken are waiting." I heard a familiar voice say before i placed my highlighter down and walked out my room door. "hi jordannn." I said dapping him up. "hey y/n, you look good." he said sliding his hands down my waist before i pulled away.

"hey jordan." i heard coming from behind me, it was mina and jazz. "wassup, y'all ready to hit the stu?" jordan said dapping them up aswell. "yeah, i'm ready to see ken." mina said sticking her tounge out and twerking a little. "absolutely not." i said laughing while jordan just stared flabbergasted.

it had been about 2 hours and we we're still in the studio. we had smoked up the entire studio, you could crack a door and it'd look like a haunted house in the small room. ken and lone were working on a song while jordan made background noises and he was also featured in it. i was very tired, but didn't wanna interrupt there studio time.

there was a small couch with a couple decorative pillows and a throw blanket that i was laying across. mina and jazz were also beside me scrolling on instagram.

It wasn't long before i dozed off without realizing. It was already 2:00. i was woken up by someone shaking me. 𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧. "y/n get up bro." i opened my eyes jumping up due to him shaking me aggressively. "what dude." i said rolling my eyes with an attitude.

"get the fuck up, i've been shaking you for the last 10 minutes." I sat up and scanned around the studio, everyone was gone. "where is mina and jazz?" I said looking at my phone reading the notifications.


                               𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟑:𝟐𝟏

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                               𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟑:𝟐𝟏

yo we're leaving with ken and
lone when you see this, love you!
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝟑:𝟓𝟐 𝐀𝐌

                                          okay, love you too !

                                          okay, love you too !

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"I think they went with ken and lone back to their bnb." jordan said while picking up my bags and his. "now cmon lets go, it's getting late as hell." I got off the chair fixing the pillows and blanket i'd messed up, then walked over to the studio door.

we made it to carti's black cadilac suv that was sitting outside parked near the sidewalk. he placed our bags inside the backseat while i hopped in the passenger seat before leaning my head on the window. "going to sleep again?" I heard jordan tease.

"yes, yes i am." i said closing my eyes adjusting my posture. "i have something else that can put you to sleep." I heard him mumble under his breath. "what?" I said still with my eyes closed. I heard him perfectly i just didn't wanna believe he said that.

"nothing, should've heard it the first time." I heard him say again under his breath. "nigga, speak up." I said shaking my head and going back to sleep. the rest of the car ride was pretty much silent since i had fell asleep again.

"we're here." I heard jordan say as i looked up towards my apartment complex i dreaded going to. "can i just stay over at yours?" i said hesitantly. "yeah, you just have to leave in the morning amethyst bringing onyx over here tomorrow and you know how she is about other women around him." he said combing his fingers through his dreads.

"yeah, i know." I said huffing before leaning my head on the window again, dosing off.

about 30 minutes later i felt us come to a stop. we arrived outside a mansion. "come on y/n." jordan said opening my door. i walked over to the entry way and waited for him to unlock the door.

i immediately walked up to the guest bedroom assuming he didn't want me all in his personal space. "where are you going?" i heard jordan say before grabbing my forearm. "to the guest bedroom?" i said with a confused look on my face. "you can sleep in my room, we aren't strangers y/n." he said pulling me by my arm.

once we entered his bedroom i slipped off my shoes and walked over to his dresser before i  picked out an over sized tshirt and a pair of clean boxers. "i'm gonna go take a shower, i'll be right back." I said to jordan while walking over to his bathroom.

It'd been about 10 minutes into the shower when i heard the door lock click open. i peeked out the shower curtain to see jordan standing in the bathroom shirtless, flipping his dreads backwards.

"what are you doing?" I said still peeking out the curtain. "can't join you?" he said smirking while pulling the curtain open fully slipping of his pants in the process.

idea from : @death4uuuuuuu

929 words

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