Episode 1: Sickness

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Morning time. My eyes opened and I immediately felt.. Off?
I sat up, shuddering at the uncomfortable pain I felt coursing through my body.

Well this is different. Not a good kind of different, though.

I stood up from my bed, gotta be careful, though. Being sick as a psychic is always an easy fix, but today I can't seem to keep up my cryokenesis for long, so I suppose I'll just have to push through this fever.

I feel weak, for the first time in my life.

Well, I don't want to overdo it. Right now, the amount of sick days i've taken is right at the average amount at 6 days per year. But its only 1 day, no one visited me the last 5 times I took sick days.
Whatever, i'll just stay in bed and watch TV all day. Surely I'll heal by tomorrow, then it'll be back to school.

'Oh Ku!! Theres breakfast-'
Kurumi, my mother, said, as she walked into my room.
However, she was about to scream, and my head was already strangely pounding, so i covered my ears.

'Dear?! What happened?!- Oh my god- Kusuo you look terrible-'
My dad, Kuniharu, ran towards the sound of my mother screaming, and he sort of backed away once he saw me.

'Ku?! Are you okay?!'
Mom said with panic in her voice, running up to me.

'Its just a fever.. I can just use cryokenesis to cool myself down if I need.
See? Better already.'
I deadpanned.

I really don't exactly understand why shes so concerned over it.

'Oh god, KUSUO!!'
My dad wailed like a baby.

'No we dont.'

'Alright! Everyone, lets just.. Calm.. CALM DOWN..!'
Mom said.

You're the ones who need to calm down..

'I'll call you in sick, okay honey..? And i'll make you some tea, and some miso soup?'
My mom said, taking a deep breath.

I would have preferred coffee jelly over miso soup, but moms tea is always nice, so I guess its okay.

'Should I call off work?'
Dad asked, going to pull his phone out. I used my powers to lower his hand, and by proxy, his phone, back into his suit pocket.

'No. Go. Please.'

'But your mom is going out today, are you sure you'll be alright alone, Kusuo?'

'Yes. Now go, I wouldn't want you to be late.'
I glared at him.
He just backed away with sweat beading on his face.

Dad left for work at around 9AM. Mom made me some miso soup and tea. It was pretty good, actually. And she left to go out like she had planned today. Can't let my weird new illness hinder her life.

I'm using my telepathy blocker right now. The voices were giving me headaches. Its about 1PM now, so I can continue using it until about 3:30 when everyone gets out of school, then I'll have to watch out.

Constantly using cryokenesis while you're sick is pretty tiring, so I had to stop. But its okay. I can just use ice packs. All over my body.
Great. Now i'm cold. Welp, lets put them back in the freezer- Wait, why do we even have so many ice packs? Nevermind..

I decided not to dwell on it any more, and instead I go back to watching TV. It was about 2 hours later when I woke up again, to the sound of vigorous knocking against my door.

'Hey! Stop knocking like that! Mr Matsuzaki already told us Saiki was sick!'

Great.. Kaido and Nendo..
And this time I'm actually sick, what a pain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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