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 Kae'or Hicks📍Hick's Residence Monday, 4:28 p

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Kae'or Hicks
📍Hick's Residence
Monday, 4:28 p.m.

Kae'or sat on her bed scrolling on her laptop. She was online shopping for summer outfits since it was slowly approaching. Normally she wouldn't care because she mostly stayed at home during the summer. It wasn't a secret she didn't have many friends or really any friends at all.

Now however, her life had changed more than she thought it would. Every since Lora approached her that day at Notti's party she found herself being with them a lot. Anytime they planned to do something or simply just wanted to hang out they made sure to include Kae'or.

They felt like she was a good addition to the group. She was nice, chill, and she didn't do too much. They clicked with her easily and everyone enjoyed her company.

She found herself caring about her appearance more and loved that Tora and Lora now included her on their self care dates. The girls would go get their nails done and pedicures together, they would make hair appointments together, and even go get waxed together.

She was expanding her wardrobe because they girls had convinced her to find her style and dress how she desired and she went with it. Before she would always want the clothes but never buy them because she never left the house. Now, she had a reason to and she loved it.

She added a couple things to her cart on shein and paid for it using her mothers card. Soon as she shut her laptop her phone rang causing her to pick it up.

It was currently spring break. It had been 3 months since she was introduced to the group and she had become extremely comfortable with them.

   'Tora boo🦋 would like to FaceTime'

Kae'or quickly clicked the 'accept' button waiting for the call to connect. Once it did Tora put her face in the camera giving a goofy smirk.

"Heyyytttt Kae Kae" She dragged always excited to see her friend.

"Hey Tora Tora, I miss youuuu" She cheesed into the camera showing her lilac braces.

"I miss you toooo, that's why I was calling. We're planning on going somewhere since it's the first day of spring break" She informed her making her nod.

"So where are we going" Kae asked so she could put a outfit together in her head.

"We're going to floridaaaaaaa" She shouted making Kae's eyes widen.

"What" She asked not believing her friend.

"Yessss, I wanted to call you early so you could go ahead and ask your mom. Since dd is 18 and Jay is 19 we won't need our parents" She explained further.

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