1- hi again

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Enzo's pov;

I sat in my dimly lit office, a place that once echoed with Alora's laughter and shared dreams, now haunted by the lingering absence that refused to dissipate. The walls bore witness to the countless hours spent wrestling with memories, an inner struggle that seemed to define each passing day. A year had slipped through my grasp like sand, yet the ache of her absence remained as raw as the day she vanished.

Giovanni's sudden entrance disrupted the melancholic solitude that had become my routine. His gaze met mine, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken pain that lingered between us. "Enzo," he began, his voice carrying a gravity that demanded attention. "We've got a lead, an inside tip about Niko's whereabouts."

The words hung in the air, a glimmer of purpose amid the shadowy corridors of grief. For a moment, my heart quickened—hope and determination flickering like a dormant flame. Niko, the architect of my anguish, seemed to materialize once again as a tangible adversary, a figure I'd pursued in the shadows of my memories.

As Giovanni shared the details, a surge of conflicted emotions stirred within me. The prospect of confronting Niko, the orchestrator of Alora's torment, ignited a tempest of rage and longing. Yet, beneath the surface, a thread of trepidation wove its way into my thoughts—a fear of unearthing painful truths that had long been buried.

The men who stood by me, Giovanni, my cousins, Ace, and Damian, had been a steadfast pillar of support through the storm of my grief. Their loyalty, a testament to the bond forged in the crucible of our shared endeavors, had provided an anchor amidst the tempest of loss. I owed it to them, to myself, and to the memory of Alora, to embark on this pursuit with unwavering resolve.

In the haze of determination, I rose from my chair. The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders, a burden shared with those who stood by me. The office, once a sanctuary for clandestine meetings and stolen moments, now echoed with the resonance of purpose—a purpose that transcended personal grief.

As we prepared to kill them all, the room felt charged with the palpable energy of anticipation. The memories of Alora, both tender and torturous, lingered like a specter in the air. With a silent vow etched into my resolve, I stepped into the unknown—a journey fueled by the echoes of the past and the unwavering pursuit of justice.


The atmosphere inside the sleek black cars mirrored the storm brewing within me—an amalgamation of seething anger, desperation, and a thirst for retribution. As the engines roared to life, the vibrations seemed to echo the restless energy pulsating through each occupant of the vehicles.

Giovanni, seated beside me, shared a nod that spoke volumes. His eyes reflected a resolve hardened by the passage of time, aligning with my unspoken determination to bring Niko's reign of terror to an end. In the backseat, my cousins exchanged glances that bore the weight of shared history and the collective desire for justice.

The air was thick with tension, and the ominous hum of the engines underscored the gravity of our mission. Conversations were terse, spoken in hushed tones that mirrored the clandestine nature of our journey. The cityscape blurred past, a backdrop to the impending confrontation that loomed on the horizon.

As we navigated through the labyrinthine streets, a consensus crystallized among us. The thirst for vengeance, a primal instinct born from the depths of personal loss, united our disparate thoughts. The air crackled with a palpable desire for retribution—a collective hunger for the kind of justice that transcends legal boundaries.

My thoughts danced on the precipice of dark fantasies—of torture, of extracting every ounce of suffering from those who had dared to harm my family. The lines between right and wrong blurred in the fog of fury, and the thirst for revenge eclipsed reason.

My family and loyal men, sensing my determination, offered silent nods of agreement. There was an unspoken pact forged in the crucible of shared grief—together, we would navigate the shadows and emerge into the light, having left a trail of justice in our wake.

"Tonight, they all will die. They will suffer for their crimes against my women! Your queen. Show them no mercy, Kill them all! But leave Niko to me Alive, he will not die that easily" I inform my men.

The rhythmic thud of my heartbeat seemed to synchronize with the purr of the engine, creating a symphony of anticipation. Each mile brought us closer to the heart of the storm, and the collective resolve within the car intensified.

As the cityscape gave way to a desolate landscape, the journey took on an otherworldly quality. The road stretched before us like an uncharted path, leading to a reckoning that had been a year in the making. With every passing moment, the collective thirst for vengeance surged—a force that would propel us into the impending confrontation, where the shadows of the past would be forced into the harsh light of justice.


The echoes of chaos reverberated through the dimly lit corridors as we relentlessly pressed forward, a wrathful tide crashing against the enemy's stronghold. The scent of fear mingled with the acrid tang of spilled blood, creating an atmosphere heavy with the consequences of our vendetta.

We killed everything in our way to get to Niko.

As we systematically dismantled every obstacle in our path, my rage manifested in the ruthless precision with which he eliminated those who stood in his way. Each act of violence was a testament to the year-long thirst for justice, a symphony of vengeance played out in the shadows.

"Tell me where Niko is NOW!!" I screamed at the man I was torturing. At this point he was coughing blood.

In the midst of the fray, Giovanni's urgent call shattered the cacophony, carrying a weight that cut through the chaos. I halted, my eyes meeting Giovanni's as he relayed a message that transcended the brutality surrounding us. "Basement. Now."

An unspoken understanding passed between us, and with purposeful urgency, I followed Giovanni's lead. Descending into the bowels of the enemy's lair, the air grew colder, and the oppressive silence of the underground space amplified the irregular cadence of my heartbeat.

As we reached the basement, the flickering light revealed a small, huddled figure in the corner of a cell. I got closer to see whom it was.

Alora—alive. My mind struggled to reconcile the image before me with the haunting images of her supposed demise. It was a moment suspended in disbelief, my heart pounding with a mixture of shock and incredulous hope.

But how could she be Alive, I saw her die?

Running towards her, I was not met with the warm embrace I had envisioned but with a flinch, a recoil driven by fear and confusion. Her eyes, once familiar, now betrayed an unfamiliarity that cut deeper than any physical wound.

"It's me, Enzo," I uttered, my voice carrying the weight of disbelief and hurt.

"Have—have we met before?" Alora questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You don't remember me?" I asked in a hurt voice.

"I-I'm sorry" she said as tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay. No need to cry... my name is Enzo" I said giving her a warm and friendly smile as I pulled my hand forward for her to shake.

"I-I'm Alora" she whispered as she took my hand.

The anguish in her eyes pierced through my soul, yet a resolve hardened within me. I extended my hand, a small friendly smile gracing my lips. "Hi Alora, No need to cry. Please stop crying everything is going to be okay. I'm here to take you home because, no matter what situation you are in, I will help you. Always."


Does the last line seam familiar???😏🤔🤭

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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