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Awoken from being held captive in the pod, with nothing but emptiness for memories; Atlas fell from the pod on to his feet. His head aching from more parasite, his memories filled with nothing but red. The only thing he had was his name, he wanted revenge for those who had done this to him. Atlas sluggishly walked through the strange ship, his body ached and screamed at him. Soon meeting a Githyanki woman, she did not say her name but demanded that he do as she said. Something stirred in him as he walked behind her, the fall of a warrior was feat that would never get old. Pushing past those feeling gave him a bigger headache, they had managed to rescue a woman with dark hair and even darker makeup. She carried a strange trinket with her, Atlas decided it was best not to ask questions and to focus on escaping.  Atlas was a strong warrior himself, the imps on this ship were nothing but a nuisance to him.

They had succeeded in getting some control of the ship, just before the dragons had broken through. Atlas had a tight grip on the console's command as the ship jerked forward, reaching with all of his strength to stop the ship. Not realizing that it was going to cause the ship to crash, causing Atlas to awaken in a strange place he did not recognize. The sun shining on his skin, his armor and skin still stained with blood. Unsure of where it came from, Atlas walked over to shore line and washed the blood off of his face and hands. The ocean water was cold, and the breeze made the wet spots colder, making Atlas shiver a little. As he stood up and walked around the debris filled beach he came across the same cleric he met on the ship.  As he woke her up, she panicked at first then relaxed, suggesting that they should travel together. They had met serval people who shared their affliction and had decided to travel together.

One of them in particular stood out to Atlas, the elf Astarion. Astarion held himself with confidence and mannerisms almost that of a noble. Atlas was more of the quiet type he didn't share very much about himself to the others. Many nights he would stay up on look out, always sharpening and cleaning his sword; only resting when the exhaustion was too much. Atlas walked quietly with his group as they helped the tieflings but in truth; Atlas didn't really care about them. He just wanted to be rid of the parasite in his head. As they walked, something sparked a conversation in Karlach.

"Hey soldier, question for ya."

"What is it?" Atlas replied.

"How come you don't really sleep? I notice you stay up really late. " Karlach asked out of curiosity.  Atlas glanced at her with a hint of anger that was not of his own, but he simply answered her anyway.

"Just can't help it, I have never slept well since the mind flayer ship."

"Yeah, I can't say I blame you. There are many things I wish not to remember upon that thing, those creatures...they are disgusting." Astarion chimed in. Atlas gave a small hum in response, a small ache showed itself in his head; making his face contort into a frown.  The ache didn't leave him this night like it had nights before. The goblin village had started to come into view, Atlas couldn't help but smirk a little as they walked forward. Astarion noticed the smirk that made its way on Atlas's face, the elf simply raised a brow as he looked away from the half elf.  Atlas realized the he was smirking and stopped immediately, why would a smirk appear on his face after imagining the goblin's deaths.  They had spotted an ambush waiting for them in this 'village'. Those who would try to attack the half-elf would meet an unsavory end, these goblins might find out how.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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